It has taken a lot of discussion, but I have finally gained permission to give a little information on The Galactic Forces that are now blockading Earth's Solar System, and protecting it from those who would exploit humankind for their own sinister purposes. The only thing I can't give is the exact location of the extra-terrestrials' home systems. But in upcoming issues we will present a series of articles describing the members of The Galactic Community.
We have decided to do this by order of population. This seemed to be the fairest way to go about it. Now, on to the first people.

Click on the name of the race to see a drawing of what they look like. Artwork by Speaker Linda J. Polley.

#1. NAME- Mora (Wet Skin.)


LENGTH OF ORBIT- 547 days.


GEOGRAPHY- Mostly oceanic, with broad, flat marshy islands.

SOLAR SYSTEM- 6 planets, closest three Earth-like. First two too hot to sustain life. Mortese is the third. One of the inner planets has two satellites but Mortese has none. the other three planets are gaseous giants; each of which has seven moons. Some of them with primitive atmospheres.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION- Usually stand from 4 1/2 ft. to 5 ft. One race often reaches 6 ft. Humanoid in appearance except heads are larger. Eyes are large and dark. Nose and mouth small, ears hidden beneath the skin but very sensitive. Normally communicate in frequencies beyond the hearing of humans and must be surgically altered or use an artificial device to be heard in the human sound range. Normally gray or light brown in color, but when sexually aroused the males turn bright red and the females blue.
Mora must be born in water as the young have no lungs but gills, and must spend the first two years of their life in a liquid environment which makes it difficult for breeding females to serve on space ships and outposts. the Mora are the aliens usually depicted in the movies.

POLITICAL SYSTEM- Democratic Socialism. The Mora are true Communists. Each citizen is educated to fulfill the job they are best suited for, and must work at that job for at least ten years. But they are free to follow ANY educational path they wish to if they are qualified. Housing, clothing, and food is issued to each individual according to their needs.
The Mora have colonized seven worlds besides their own and have hundreds of outposts on worlds which they share with other races.

RELIGION- Oficially Atheistic. Philosophy being 'Let the living worry about the living, and the dead worry about the dead.' There are, however, two natural religions that are permitted and have some following; Pow Pesh (The Open Palm) a Buddhist like religion, and Sacra Tay, (Light Of The Divine) a religion that somewhat resembles Judaism. There are also small groups that worship according to the ways of other races the Mora have come in contact with over the ages. but these are isolated to small populations in outlying colonies.

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