#5.  NAME- Farble (Singers)

WORLD- Farbus


GEOGRAPHY- Farbus is almost a duplicate of Earth, even the continents are similarly shaped. Except Australia is much further north and further out to sea, and Ireland and Greenland are larger and much further south. Otherwise than that you'd almost think you're looking at the same planet until you looked closer.
There is no animal life on Farbus. It is richly covered with plant life, and has a variety of insects, but no vertebrates of any kind except for fish in the lakes and rivers.
The world has been thoroughly colonized by The Mora and The Squiggle but neither race has brought in any domestic animals to upset this strange world's natural balance.

SOLAR SYSTEM- Again a shocking similarity to Earth's. There are nine planets all virtually similar to the solar system. The only planet missing is Pluto which does not exist in this system.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION- The best way to describe The Farbles is to say they're hump backed whales. They're only about a third the size of their known cousins, but in every other way they're identical. Highly intelligent and strongly telepathic they kept other visitors from staying by driving them off with negative telepathic impulses. but they found The Mora and The Squiggle 'acceptable,' as they put it, and allowed them to land and make contact.
The Farble telepathic abilities are so strong they can soothe deeply troubled minds, and often serve as psychiatrists for The Galactic Community.
Special institutes have been built all over their world and deeply troubled people come from throughout the galaxy to rest in their tranquil places.
The movie Star Trek: The Voyage Home fascinated us, as The Farble often visit Earth to sing to the native whales and their travel ships bear a remarkable resemblance to the probe in the movie. Maybe the writers were picking up a strong telepathic signal. The Farble are deeply concerned about the treatment of their Earth cousins, and sincerely wish they would be treated better.

POLITICAL SYSTEM- We all share. Everything belongs to everyone. That's as best as Farble politics can be described. Their world never had any nations, any boundaries, and they have a very difficult time contemplating these strange alien ideas.

RELIGION- We're all going somewhere. We should go there in good will. But where we're going doesn't matter, is the basic tenet of Farble belief.
It is really hard to put their ideas into human words. There's really not good comparisons. Their way of thinking is so different!

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