#12. NAME- Cottle Frodenac (The Feathered Folk)

WORLD- Teckany (The Nest)

ORBIT- 367 days.

GEOGRAPHY- Very earth-like, except few deserts. Heavily forested.

PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION- The best way to describe The Cottle Frodenac is to say they're penguins with hands, human-like feet, and knees. They evolved from a very similar creature. Their heads would be somewhat larger, also. They stand three-and-a-half to four-and-a-half feet.

SOLAR SYSTEM- Three planets. Teckany is the first. A Mars-like world somewhat bigger, is next and a single gaseous giant further out with six moons and an ice ring make up the solar system.

POLITICAL SYSTEM- Tribal territories that only unite to fight common enemies. Societies are small and extremely territorial but non-aggressive if left alone.

RELIGION- DOZENS! From an ancestor-type system to one very much like Judaism. Another like Hindu and yet another like Buddhism. Though members of The Galactic Community The Cottle Frodenac do not like to travel and will only allow visitors to remain on their world for twenty-five rotations. The Galactic Community keeps its bases in orbiting stations and only visits the native cities when absolutely necessary.
The Ashtarians once tried to conquer The Cottle Frodenac. They came with one-hundred ships and landed over five million troops. Only seven-hundred-thousand lived to withdraw. It was the last invasion The Ashtarians ever tried.

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