We have received word of another incident involving the renegade Ashtarians. Worlds near the border of The Dawn Empire had been reporting raids on their outposts and shipping. The Dawn Empire sent scout ships to investigate the situation. One of those scout ships located a major renegade base and escaped undetected, to return with a vast portion of The Imperial Fleet, which engaged the raiders and fought them for three days in what can only be described as a ferocious running battle.
The Empire lost six large ships and five small ones. Several of their other ships took heavy damage. They destroyed at least twenty of the renegades and damaged many more until they retreated into uncharted space.
The Imperial Forces were amazed that the renegades put up such a fight, and that they were so heavily armed.
They are reactivating several reserve ships in the area until they can replace their lost vessels, and are offering to reinforce Galactic patrols in neighboring sectors, an offer The Galactic Community has gratefully accepted. The Imperials don't like people messing around in their territories.


The tragedy of The Ashtarian situation seems to go on and on! We received word last night that the Emperor of The Dawn Empire and many members of his family were assassinated when forty or fifty men dressed in uniforms of The Imperial Military stormed the Royal Palace apparently with the help of someone inside. The raiders were eventually killed. Though the authorities tried to capture some, it was impossible! So no questions can be answered. But many of The Dawn believe the attack was motivated by The Ashtarians.
Two elements of The Dawn Fleet attacked into Ashtarian territory doing a great deal of damage until The Galactic Forces repelled them.
The Ashtarian embassy on one of The Empire's outer worlds was stormed by an angry mob, and many lives were lost on both sides, until Imperial troops managed to secure the building and protect the surviving Ashtarians.
Things have quieted down. The new twelve year old Emperor has pleaded with his people to maintain order and keep the peace with others so he can be invested and they can mourn their dead.
The people are complying with his wishes for the moment, but there is a great deal of simmering anger. We can only send our condolences.
Over the years through our alien contacts we have come to know this ancient and proud family. This was another sorrow they did not need, or, deserve.


The latest news from the Ashtarian front again is sad. It seems the Ashtarians sold some territory on one of their outposts to the Dawn Empire. After the recent troubles sixty-three of The Dawn there got drunk and went on a rampage in the Ashtarian housing breaking into the homes and killing anyone they found; men, women, children. The Ashtarian security forces finally confronted them, killing twenty-one and capturing forty-two.
A few minutes after the capture The Dawn Commander of the installation arrived, asking what had happened. The Ashtarian Commander explained.
The dawn Officer went through the houses and came back weeping. He asked his people if they'd done this, and they all answered "Yes, sir."
The Dawn officer then asked his Ashtarian counterpart to turn the men over to him. The Ashtarian did so. The Dawn Commander then took the prisoners to the square at the center of the outpost and hung them. I don't mean he HAD them hung, but he put the rope around each one's neck and personally hauled them up.
When he was done he asked The Ashtarian Commander to dispose of the trash, and he would pay for the disposal out of his own funds. The Ashtarian Commander agreed to do so.
It is said amont the galaxy's people that Imperial justice is swift and sure. I believe we can attest to that.


The latest news on The Ashtarian front is again tragic. An Imperial came back to his government deply disturbed by the murder of The Imperial Family. He had been a part of the rebel movement that had joined with The Ashtarian rebels, but this act turned him against them. he brought information on the whereabouts of the rebel's main base, and also, the security codes the rebel freighters were using. The Empire wanted an overwhelming force so they contacted The Galactic Community and both forces sent one-hundred ships to raid the rebel base. Four ships went in first, disguised as freighters, and took out the rebels' eight biggest ships before they even knew what was happening. From then on the rebel position was helpless. But they refused to conceede.
The fighting went on for three days, until there was nothing left to fight any more. The Imperials and The Galactic Forces lost eight ships and a total of 3,002 personnel. It is believed the rebels lost over 43,000. This might be a conservative estimate. It is believed the rebels have no more bases. Except for a few more ships, all they had was here. It is not believed they can ever assemble a major strike force again.
Hopefully the bloodshed is now over. The Ashtarian family that has been causing the trouble is virtually wiped out.
As a gesture of atonement for what his people did, The Dawn Emperor has returned to them all colonies they earlier bought and given them personnel to help them run them, who will be absorbed into the Ashtarian families. The Ashtarians fought well, as part of The Galactic Forces. All pray that this is the beginning of a permanent peace, and this long nightmare has come to an end.

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