May 9, 2,007
Wounds Or Infections, What Are They?

Strange painful marks have been appearing on Speaker Gerald Polley's body for a couple of months. The ones on his right ankle that looked like bite marks from jagged teeth when they first appeared have not completely faded away. Others come and go very quickly. On the morning of May 8, 2,007, he woke up with one of these marks just behind his left arm and managed to get some pictures of it. Here are those pictures.

As you can see here, the marks are very often V shaped, very pronounced. The outline can be seen very clearly!

As you can see here, oftentimes one side of the mark will be a little bit wider than the other, as if something struck Gerald at an angle causing one side to be more pronounced than the other.

Oftentimes the bottom point of the mark will be much more pronounced than the rest, and sometimes a fester will appear here before the mark goes away. We have had some comments that this might be a paracitic infection. But some others believe they may be wounds that Gerald has suffered while he has been taking part in spiritual battles at night. Whatever they are, there's one thing for sure he can tell you; they hurt!

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To Read More About Speaker Gerald Polley
And The Spiritual Battles Around Ellsworth, Maine, And Los Angeles, California.