Fighting back against The Kingdom Of God, the forces of Darkness are trying to create a spiritual dead zone in Jordan that will encompass most of Israel, including Jerusalem.  This dead zone would be centered in Al Karak, but they have been unsuccessful, to date.  The Forces Of The Kingdom Of God have managed to fortify all the cities of Jordan and some cities in Syria that would be within striking distance of Jerusalem.  Even Lebanon is being watched to make sure no cities there can be used to attack The Holy Land with the dark ones' power.  

The power attempting to open this dead zone can be traced right back to The United States.  It is eminating from the upper part of the east coast.  Those generating it are using this area as their power base.  The peoples' evil in this area is feeding them and allowing them to attack The Kingdom Of God.  The Kingdom Of God needs the support of all to shut the power of these dark ones off.  They need people to turn from their evil and to return to The Kingdom Of God so this threat against it can be ended forever.  We ask everyone to support The Kingdom Of God's Peace Proposal for The Middle East, a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel, with Israel keeping all the land it now holds including Jerusalem, and especially The Temple Mount.  Only then will the dark ones' power be broken, and The Kingdom Of God saved, forever.

This map was drawn by Speaker Gerald A. Polley.  All rights are reserved.  They may not be copied or reused without his consent.