May 13, 2,003
Go, Jesus, Go!

Look what's happening in Saudi Arabia and Iraq.  The Americans tried to appease the Saudi Arabian fundamentalists by withdrawing their troops.  What was the fundamentalists' response?  They interpreted this as a weakness and attacked!  Iran and Syria are destabilizing Iraq.  The dead zones are working.  The people within them have lost all common sense, are determined to destroy themselves.  What The Kingdom Of God has already sat in motion is more than sufficient.  We should warn people again that once peace finally does come, some of these things may be very hard to stop. Once they are started it is almost impossible to shut them down until they reach their full conclusion, so the sooner peace is made with The Kingdom Of God, the better, while these people still have something left!

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May 16, 2,003
The Dams Are Broken

Sad to hear that Robert Stack died in Los Angeles, and is stuck in the spiritual dead zone.  Always one of our favorite personalities, but there are no exceptions.
And how about those Texas dead zones?  Are they driving the people down there nuts, or what?  Have you ever seen anybody crazier than these Democrats?   Three year old children throwing tantrums!  They call these leaders?

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May 19, 2,003
Fighting Every Inch Of The Way

Muhammed said he tried to reach the leaders of Saudi Arabia again, but they would not respond.  They do not care about him.  They care only for their hate and greed.  I feel so sorry for The Old Gentleman.  He must watch all that he dreamed for his people die.  But he supports The Kingdom Of God fully.  He will not give any power to anyone who plots to destroy Israel.  He will keep the promise he made ages ago.  If only mankind could keep their promises!
Those in Saudi Arabia caught in the dead zones are begging for them to be opened temporarily for those that are suffering so greatly, so they can be taken to The Afterlife and made comfortable, but Jesus absolutely refuses.  Until The Arab People make some concessions He will do nothing.

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