July 8, 2,003
Shifting More Power

Well, another great Soul, Buddy Ebsen, is trapped in the Los Angeles dead zone.  It seems to be filling rapidly.  Got a strange question I had to put to Jesus for an answer.  It said "If newspapers in the American dead zones print Jesus' ad, and radio stations play His commercial, with an addition that Americans support the Canadian Christians in their efforts, would Jesus open those dead zones and relieve the suffering there?"  I asked Jesus and He said "That seems altogether reasonable!  Certainly!  If papers in The United States, and, radio stations encourage the Canadian effort, certainly."  I don't think there's much possibility of this happening, but Jesus would certainly respect such an effort.
The power shift to Canada continues.  Today Jesus ordered the energy that was going to Allentown, Pennsylvania, to be shifted to Sault, Ontario, Canada, and, the energy that has been poured into Washington, D.C., to protect it from future terrorist attacks has been shifted to Quebec, Quebec.  There is talk of taking the power that has been granted to New York City since the 9/11 disaster, and transferring that to Fredericton, New Brunswick.  That would make a line of power right across Canada.  But there is grave concern that removing the power from New York would cause another disaster there, and The Kingdom Of God is not sure if It wants to take that drastic an action.  It may pull power from some other place, instead, but with the power shut off in Washington it is believed things will get considerably worse there.  I don't know how that could be possible, but that is the fear.  However Jesus continues to transfer power to Canada.  We can only wait and see what the results will be.
Heard about the attack on the premier of Alberta in Calgary, and was asked if Jesus had anything to do with this.  Jesus said no. He is in hopes that the government in Alberta will support their efforts.  The people that did this were smoking marijuana before they made the attack.  Do you think those working for The Kingdom Of God would be smoking marijuana?  Naw!  These sick souls were in the control of the creatures of Darkness who are trying to use the homosexual issue to destroy mankind.  Jesus, in His most desperate hour, wouldn't use pot heads, dope addicts.  This mere fact alone, should tell people, without question, that those committing this act had nothing to do with The Kingdom Of God.

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July 10, 2,003
Dead Zones Cookin'

Speaking of politicians, are the dead zones in Italy and Germany cooking, or what?  And is Jesus hitting Blair in England?  He's fighting for his political life!  If this keeps up, the UE will break up.  Might be a good thing the way they're going!  All we can say is, sock it to 'em, Son Of God!
It has been decided that the last energy needed for Canada won't be taken from The United States.  Instead, it's going to be taken from Birmingham, England, and shifted to Fredericton, New Brunswick.  It was found that making the shift wasn't difficult, at all!  It was actually easier than taking it from an American city, and the power in The States is still needed.  So, in a way, England is taking another hit for dear old Blair.  The extra fortification it has enjoyed is dwindling.  But we're not going to mess with the extra power in London.  We need that to make Blair just as miserable as we can make him!
Speaking of dead zones, Iraq is a nightmare!  Muhammed came to me all in a rage, this morning.  It seems The United States' authorities in Iraq have video of Baath party leaders having parties and doing horrible things to little girls that he will not even permit me to describe!  But, the American authorities will not even arrest these people, try and execute them, because they do not want to stir up the populace by attacking their leaders.  Muhammed says "My daughters will have justice, or I will destroy those who protect their tormentors!  These people must be arrested, tried, and punished!  The only punishment for these horrid acts is their death, and, the banishment of their families from Iraq, forever!  Any men that would do these things to children to amuse themselves must pay the ultimate price and be sent to me, so I may condemn them to eternal death.  The Americans will take action, or I will destroy the Americans!  I will make their land a living hell!  My daughters will be avenged!"  This ends Muhammed's comments.  Oooh, is Heaven mad!
Still looking for response from Canada.  Not sure our emails are getting through.  Getting complaints from people that they're not getting their emails.

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