July 29, 2,003
Jesus' Rewards

Kingdom Of God delighted Vatican is speaking out against homosexual marriage!  They are extremely surprised They have them as an ally in this cause.  A committee came to Lord Peter with a desperate request.  "Where The Vatican is cooperating on this issue," They asked, "Can the dead zones in Italy be opened, and the recently dead allowed to enter into The Afterlife?  The suffering in all the Italian dead zones has become appalling!  The people are begging that some compassion be shown to Their loved ones."  Lord Peter answered "I cannot make this decision, but send a single emissary to Jesus in London, and make your request personally, to Him.  If He agrees, then it shall be done."
The Italians quickly chose a representative and he sped to Jesus who continues His attacks on Blair.  Jesus heard the emissary's plea and answered, "There is much yet this priesthood has to do to make them right with God, but that they have obeyed God in this incident and support our cause is a good circumstance that I think is certainly worthy of a reward.  So be it!  Return to Peter and tell him that that your wish may be fulfilled!"  Overjoyed the emissary returned, and all the spiritual dead zones in Italy were opened for an hour so that the recently departed could be evacuated.
When news of this spread, a delegation from Saudi Arabia came to Peter, begging him for Relief for their people, also.  Peter told them also, to send an emissary to Jesus.  The emissary went to Jesus and said,  "Lord, our people are beginning to fight the terrorists.  they are becoming aware of the danger to themselves.  We beg of you, reward their good efforts and show them compassion!"  Jesus nodded his head.  "As I have shown compassion to the children of Rome," He remarked, "it is only right that I show compassion to the children of Mecca.  So be it!  Go back and tell Lord Peter I approve!"  Overjoyed, the Islamic representative rushed back to Lord Peter, and the dead zones in Saudi Arabia were opened, as well.
Jesus' sudden willingness to show compassion has delighted everyone!  It is believed that His success in Calgary, Alberta, Canada has inspired the return of some of His kindness, and the new flow of energy coming in to us, that delights everybody.  We can only hope these circumstances continue, that we continue to receive positive response in these sectors and Jesus' compassion continues to return.  Those who love Him will do whatever He asks, but they prefer the old, kind, and benevolent Jesus, and are working diligently to fulfill His wishes so THAT Jesus will return to them.
Speaking of dead zones, so sad to hear that Bob Hope has died in the Los Angeles one, and that his soul is trapped there.  Perhaps some marvelous thing will be done in Los Angeles to promote Jesus' cause, and that dead zone can be opened, so all that are suffering there, can be released.  We can only pray!

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