April 30, 2,002
Racism Among The Dead

We have been reporting with some gladness that the recently dead in Los Angeles who are trapped in the dead zone have been organizing and defending themselves against the creatures of Darkness, but sadly we must report today, that they also are beginning to fight amongst themselves along racial lines. Many of the former whites are blaming the former colored people for the situation because of their blind support of Clinton (The Dark One), who was pretending to support their issues so they totally ignored all of his evil. We hate to see that the sickness of racism is spreading even to those desperately fighting for their very existence. This makes no sense to us.
The dark ones helping them have even come to The Bearers Of Light outside the dead zones asking how to calm the situation. They readily know how to stir up racism, they don't know how to calm it down. What an incredible situation! Creatures of darkness coming to The Bearers Of Light asking how to stop racial discourse! If this wasn't such a serious situation it would almost be like a t.v. comedy. But this is a life and death situation.
The Bearers Of Light are giving all the advice They can, trying to calm the situation. Hopefully all this won't spill over into the material world and explode into racial upheaval in Los Angeles. Things must be right on the edge at the moment. All we would need is a couple of white police officers beating a colored man and Los Angeles could become a war zone.

FOOTNOTE: Got a wholloper of a surprise this morning! My Spirit Worker came to me with a most incredible message! It seems Frank Sinatra has gathered a hundred followers, most of them members of a family that he was associated with in his lifetime, and has gone into the Los Angeles dead zone, even though They know full well They can't get out of it until its shut down. They have gone to help the newly deceased trapped there, in their struggle against the demons, and to try to keep them cooperating with one another. This incredible struggle is bringing out the most unlikely heroes, the most unexpected allies! Every day brings untold surprises. The powers of The Kingdom Of God are fantastic!

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