May 2, 2,002
Tonight Show Banquet

Got one of those questions again! Somebody asked "You've been saying that Lords Of Light don't have any power in the dead zones, yet now you're saying Frank Sinatra and some other people have gone into the dead zones to help the recently departed. Again some discontinuity."
Well, what we said before is right! Lords Of Light, ancient Souls, have no power in the dead zones at all, other than to protect Themselves. Demons can't attack them, but They can do little against them. But as we keep saying, these dead zones are a completely new phenomena, completely unpredictable. Human Souls, young Souls, seem to be able to handle this corrupt spiritual energy much better. They are able to fight the demons in the dead zones. They can't hurt them that much, but They can certainly annoy them! With each passing day we're learning more and more about this phenomena, but it simply does not obey the rules. It has been noticed, however, that the flow of corrupted energy seems to be slowing down. Wherever it is coming from it seems to be drying up. It may be all the dead zones we've opened. There may be a limit to its effect. We're not sure, however, if we want to open any more dead zones to see what will happen, though one is planned for Iran after Denver is well operational. That dead zone is going exactly as predicted. It is following the same pattern as those in Saudi Arabia, and not rapidly collapsing as Los Angeles did.
Speaking of Los Angeles, here's a funny one...well, not funny. It's very hard for spirits to work with all the lights and electronic equipment in a broadcast studio. I was wondering if people were safe from the demons feeding in these places. Out of curiosity we sent observers to The Tonight Show, and They were appalled to find the worst demons in the area feeding on the cast, the host, Jay Leno, and, the audience! The leader of the pack, LA1958-1, teased the observers, telling Them we were making the feeding too good and, too easy. He was gouging himself on Leno every night. "I ruled this city when I was alive," it said, "the idiots had no idea how much I really did! Thank your bosses for the banquet. We really appreciate it!"
Always wanted to be on The Tonight Show. Now, if you offered me a hundred million dollars to spend eight hours in Los Angeles, I'd tell you to get a psychiatrist. We still wonder how long this can go on before things start popping.

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