May 14, 2,002
Dead Zones In Iran

Kingdom Of God absolutely delighted with Israeli Kinizet's vote rejecting a Palestinian homeland inside of Israel! They have long fought to have Their people declare that this proposal was totally unacceptable. To have it officially declared so by The Israeli Government fills Them with hope. All in The Afterlife continue to encourage the Israeli people to seize The Temple Mount, to forever end the foreign domination of Israel, and to declare to the world that The Israeli People, alone, rule Israel, and no outside state has any control of it, whatsoever. If things continue as they have been this hour may soon come, and when it does The Afterlife will rejoice because the second part of Their hope will be accomplished. If The People Of Israel take back The Temple Mount, Mary has promised that she will return to Earth, the goal of every Soul in The Afterlife. For it is well understood that if Mary does not return the human race is doomed. But she has stated beyond question, that she will not return until she can take on material form, go to her people's sacred ground, and pray, she will not return to Earth as long as outside powers try to control her people's destiny. She will only return when Israel is free, and totally independent.
It can be understood why all the spiritual energy that is being taken from the dead zones in The Middle East is going to the effort to have The Israeli People take back what is theirs.
And, speaking of dead zones, we promised more information on what would be happening in The Middle East. Starting tomorrow, the 15th, Muhammed's forces will start shutting down all power in Abadan. It is expected these dead zones will expand at their normal rate, and within ten days the cities of Ahvaz, Bandar-e, Khomey, will be effected in Iran, the cities of AlBasrah, UmmQasr, in Iraq, and most of Kuwait. The 20th They will start opening the dead zone in Shiraz, and within ten days that one should be fully effective. But here They're going to try something new. They're also going to draw a little bit of power from Bandar-eBushehr to see if They can get the dead zone to extend over that city, also, without completely draining it, because They don't want to waste most of the dead zone over The Gulf, but They want to effect this city if possible. The 25th They will go after Zahedan. It should open normally. These three dead zones will be watched very carefully because They want to see if the corrupted energy that has been seeping out of The Afterlife comes into them and stays. The dead zone in Denver, Colorado, drew a little of the corrupted energy but then it completely disappeared. Los Angeles is also almost completely void of it now. The Kingdom Of God is anxious to see if this phenomena will occur in The Middle East as well. Though the Saudi Arabian dead zones and the Roman dead zones are still full of corrupted energy.
It is believed opening these dead zones will make the demon infestations in the ones already operating less, as more demons will be drawn into these other dead zones, their numbers will be thinned out around the world. These dead zones are being created in Southern Iran because some of Muhammed's greatest enemies are there, some of the greatest false teachers of Islam, so this is a direct attack by Muhammed's forces upon those who are destroying his people. As I said earlier, The Kingdom Of God is getting nastier and nastier, Their attacks more direct on those that are opposing Them. This is mankind's darkest hour, their most dangerous hour. But The Forces Of Light are fighting back, and those They oppose don't like it, they don't like it at all!

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