February 13, 2,002
A Question George Didn't Like

(An Excerpt From George Harrison's Book "Wow!  The Things I've Found In The Afterlife!" channeled through Speaker Gerald A. Polley. Speaker Polley had this question for George Harrison ready for him to answer.)

Q. As we're doing this book the crisis going on in the world is causing Muhammed to withdraw all his power from Mecca and Medina, and transfer it to where we are living, in Fargo, North Dakota. I 've received an interesting question on this. What right does Muhammed have to withdraw his power from Saudi Arabia? What right does he have to tell The Saudi Arabians what to do? Why can't they make their own decision and follow their own conscience?

A. Sounds to me like you've been contacted by a moron! But I suppose we've got to answer it! Duh! Well, the best way I can put it is this. When people accept a faith they accept the principles and rules that the Leader of that faith laid down. If they decide, instead, they wanna follow the rules their fathers made up, instead because they like them better, the Founder of that faith has every right to disavow those followers and take whatever Power he has given them away from them! Now, some people might not like that, they may feel that they've got a right to do whatever they want to do, and to heck with the Founder's Rules, but over Here it just don't work that way! Islam belongs to Muhammed. If those practicing Islam will not follow Muhammed's Way, he has every right to disown them, to take what he has given them, and depart, and give what he's given them to other people, who'll use it rightly. Now, whoever asked you that question might argue with you. But if he does, he's not going to last five seconds in The Afterlife! 'Cause what I said applies to every other Religious Leader Here. Either you obey the rules, do as you're told, or go find yourself a nice little spot out in The Darkness and moan and cry to your heart's content. But you aren't livin' in my Kingdom! It's as simple as that. And I hope that answers your question.

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