May 27, 2,002
Jesus Goes To Texas

Well, our email this morning was supposed to be about how we couldn't understand what was keeping Saudi Arabia together. With the spiritual dead zones The Kingdom Of God has created there they should be in civil war, fighting in the streets, killing each other. But by some force we can't understand they continue to keep their continuity, but we have no idea how long this can last. Then, we were supposed to talk about the coming dead zones in Massachusetts, but early this morning I was brought a report so incredible that it is very hard for me to find words to put it into. Jesus has been becoming more and more irate. My recent sick spell really angered Him! He is really mad that those who are supposed to be working with us still refuse to hear God's plans, and stick to man's desires. He especially is angry with the Bush administration because they still cling to the Israeli Land For Peace Deal, and won't accept The Kingdom Of God's Peace Proposal of a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel.
In a totally unexpected move Jesus has taken on a human form, a living form, and gone to Texas, taking twelve members of The Angelic Guard with Him, to give Him 24/7 support and security. Jesus' plan is to attack Texas' economic, political, and religious systems, exposing the corruption in them, and, if possible, completely destroying them, making them virtually non functional, and forcing the state into economic, political, and, religious chaos. To help in these efforts, beginning some time around the 4th of July two spiritual dead zones will be created in Texas. One, centered in San Antonio, which will also cover Austin, and one centered in Dallas that will cover a good deal of that portion of Texas, and a bit of Oklahoma. If these dead zones prove insufficient to accomplish The Kingdom Of God's purpose, a third may be later opened in Houston. Everyone is absolutely terrified of the idea of Jesus taking on human form and opening spiritual dead zones where He is! But Jesus is assuring everyone He has the power to handle the situation, still everyone is simply petrified!


Everyone's going to ask how could this happen? How could Jesus take on human form? Well to explain it as best I can, somewhere in Texas there was an accident or something and thirteen men should have died, but by some strange phenomena they survived. Now, embodied in the physical form of one of those men, is the Soul that is known to mankind as Jesus Of Nazareth, called The Christ. No joke, no kidding, absolute and positively this is happening! This is happening right now! Jesus has said "President Bush is destroying all we love. He will not listen to us. We gave him the presidency, but he still wants the way of man. If he will destroy all we love, I will destroy what he loves."
Jesus very rarely gets in to such a state of anger, but when He does there is no holding Him back. When He reaches the point where His anger can no longer be controlled, mankind had better start praying that they understand what The Kingdom Of God wants, and are following His wishes. Because if they're not, they're going to wish they had! Because when The Son Of God walks the earth with the intent of destroying mankind, mankind hasn't got a prayer! Even if the authorities could figure out who He is, they would be powerless against Him. About the only thing they could do would be to nuke a city where He was, and destroy His physical form. But in a short time He'd simply take another one, and be right back at them, angrier than ever! These people are messing with The Son Of God and they really have Him irritated!
This ends today's transmission.

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