May 30, 2,002
God Damned Texas

Jesus irate about President Bush's visit to Rome. That he went to one of the dead zones and visited The Pope really irritates Him. They can't understand why They can't get a breakthrough with The Bushes where they are fairly decent people, but they still resist The Kingdom Of God's wishes almost as bad as The Clintons did.
Jesus is determined to make His efforts in Texas work, to make them, and, the world take notice. He continues to be extremely angry about my medical problems, which, as I say, perplexes me. But He constantly says people will regret they are not properly taking care of us. Jesus' anger is not dissipating at all, and this concerns everyone. As we have said, the line between making The Kingdom Of God's displeasure known, and, destroying mankind, is very thin. We don't want to go beyond that line! There is great concern that all of this may be too much, but when Jesus gets like this all that can be done is follow His wishes and pray the living listen.
 John Lennon is very upset that he loses an hour with us a day. He put in a protest requesting that some other arrangement be made, that some others, somewhere, shut down for longer periods so he could have the full day with us. His request was refused. He was told that all must share in the shut down so Jesus can get the power He needs. Even John's influence isn't enough to get more time. Things are that bad!
Speaking of John Lennon, he's written a new song for the Texas campaign but we can't transmit it. It's a rewrite of the very popular song "God Blessed Texas," but in John's version it's "God Damned Texas." Same music and a lot of the same words but quite a different meaning. Everybody in The Afterlife is singing it constantly! It's too bad we can't use it, it's kind of cute. But we wouldn't get into those kinds of copyright problems.

And if anyone wonders why Jesus is continuing His attack, they only have to look at the latest suicide bombing in Israel. Arafat promises peace, The Palestinians promise peace, and still they bomb, still they attack The People Of Israel, they attack The People Of God, and still the Europeans say that Israel is to blame because they won't sacrifice any land for peace. The cowardice of The Europeans sickens The Kingdom Of God. Their excuses that there's other ways besides military force fall on deaf ears in The Kingdom Of God. Such philosophies are only the ways of the cowards to keep from taking action. The Europeans know, just as everybody else, that The Palestinians will never listen to reason, that the fundamentalist Islamic groups will never listen to reason. Their way is the way of the gun, and the gun is the only thing they will understand. To them negotiations are only a means of putting their enemy in a weaker position. Did The Europeans learn nothing with Hitler and Chamberlain? Why do they so quickly forget the lessons of the past? Why do they close their hearts and accept evil for their convenience and then expect to enter into The Kingdom Of God? What fools these mortals be!
As soon as the dead zones are going in Texas, the next one will be centered on the capital of Serbia, the site of the second greatest evil in Europe. Then further dead zones will be opened in Europe. If The Europeans want to sit back and do nothing, if they want to protect Hussein for the sake of peace so they won't have to be troubled, The Kingdom Of God will give them exactly what they're giving Them...nothing! They will drain them dry and leave them to the creatures of Darkness, because as John Lennon says in his new song "They may be breathing but they're already dead." Europe will answer for it's inaction. The Kingdom Of God does not forget.

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