June 5, 2,002
Dark Ones Hanging In There

Kingdom Of God continues to be totally perplexed why Saudi Arabia has not exploded into civil war. The spiritual dead zones literally have half the people in the country climbing the walls. By now the fundamentalist Muslims and the moderate Muslims should be fighting each other in the streets and the royal family should be killing each other off, fighting for power, the same is true for Italy. Europe should be in total chaos as civil war erupts there. In The United States there should be race riots in Los Angeles. The only theory Those in The Kingdom Of God have as to how the dark ones are controlling these situations is that somehow they are shunting, diverting the hostility that is being generated in these areas to the Pakistan-Indian border and creating the hostility there that may explode into war. This does not disturb The Kingdom Of God. If war starts between India and Pakistan the fundamentalist Muslims will be drawn into it, and sooner or later chaos will ensue between them and the moderates.
At this moment war between India and Pakistan may be a good thing for the sake of saving the world, and The Kingdom Of God and Its allies are making no efforts, whatsoever, to discourage a confrontation between these two nations. They have not yet made any efforts to provoke war between them, but They have altered all efforts to prevent a conflict, which is just as bad.
We have received pleas that we persuade Jesus not to establish the spiritual dead zones in Texas where He has backed off His efforts to destroy Bush's power base there, and is only working now, to expose the corrupt ministry in Texas. But all pleas to halt the dead zones in the United States are falling on deaf ears. It is considered that after the dead zones are open in Texas, two more will be opened in Europe, one covering Belgrade, Serbia, and another covering Madrid, Spain. Then, The Kingdom Of God's Forces plan to return to The United States and open two more dead zones there, one that will cover San Francisco, and another that will cover Chicago. The spreading of these dead zones just grows and grows! It is almost like The Kingdom Of God is intoxicated with the power It is receiving from them, as It shuts them down and draws all their energy into It.. There is still a great deal of frustration that They can do so much negative but so little positive!
Still, the only hope for stopping the dead zones in Texas is a post card campaign by the people of Texas to President Bush to get him to accept The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan. For information on the post card campaign see this link.


If The United States Government started putting all of its efforts into The Kingdom Of God's Peace Plan, and guaranteed that Israel would never have to give up an inch of ground it now holds, all the dead zones in The United States would be shut down and The United States would be reenergized.
If the people in Texas don't want dead zones there, if the people in Los Angeles want the dead zones there removed, they have to speak up, they have to support The Kingdom Of God. That's all there is to it, there's no other way! Those who want to make this situation better have to understand that. There's no other way. If The United States wants The Kingdom Of God's support they have to support The Kingdom Of God. There's no argument, there's no negotiations, there's no compromise. That's the only way things will return to normal. And apparently no one in the American government wants it, so hostilities will continue until they do want it, but by then it may be too late.

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