June 18, 2,002
Doomed Themselves

FOOTNOTE; Went to the doctor again yesterday. Still seems to be some question rather I had a heart attack or not. But the problem with my foot is still quite active, and, painful. Again this situation enrages Jesus that no one will respond to His messages and get us a publisher so we can sell our fiction stories and have the finances to do His Work brings Him to an utter rage. Again we just don't understand why this is upsetting Him so much. I have been sick before in this lifetime, and, others, I will undoubtedly be sick again. Why this particular time is so angering to The Lord Of Heaven we just don't understand. Everyone tries to calm Him, but to no avail. He is determined to make His presence felt in Texas in any way He can, and this worries us, as He may go beyond the point where we can save mankind. It is almost getting to the point where The Lord Of Heaven doesn't care whether the people of Earth survive or not, and that would be tragic, that would be really, really tragic.

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June 19, 2,002
Someone Murdering Mankind

Well, it starts tomorrow. Despite every effort to reach the people of Texas and stop the dead zones there from even beginning, Jesus' attempts have been a failure. His messages reach only rejection, and He is denied by those who are supposed to follow Him. So the Texas dead zones will be begun as soon as it is midnight the twentieth, in Jerusalem. We had hoped that where Jesus was putting His own Power into this effort we could turn the tide in Texas. But the people of Texas are as determined to betray The Son Of God as all others in The United States are, and we have failed to make the people of Texas understand how serious the situation is. Again we are seriously concerned about Jesus' ever growing anger, and how far He will go in His efforts. These are very dangerous times.
Who is keeping President Bush from accepting Jesus' message? Who is counseling Him against The Kingdom Of God's efforts? What member of his staff is telling him "Don't listen. Don't do this. The public won't like it. Stick with the old peace treaty, don't make waves." Whoever this person is, whoever is telling The President not to accept the messages we are transmitting from The Kingdom Of God is destroying mankind as surely as if he'd pushed the button to unleash all of The United States' nuclear weapons. The Bush administration cannot survive without The Kingdom Of God's support. All its efforts will fail if it does not accept The Kingdom Of God's Peace Proposal and end the war between The Kingdom Of God and The United States. We are on the very edge of destruction. Mankind is on a narrow precipice and on either side is a great abyss. One misstep, one false move, and mankind goes over, mankind is lost forever, and whoever is advising President Bush is walking up behind mankind and constantly shoving them in the back, trying to make them lose their balance and go over. Whoever this person is he or she is trying to destroy all they love, and they do not even realize it. They have shut their souls to The Truth, and in doing so have damned everyone.

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