June 26, 2,002
Jesus Strikes In Dallas

Well, I guess Jesus made a statement in the Dallas dead zone. Tragically children had to be involved. But Jesus said He would expose corruption, and He most certainly has! And He has shown that He will not give any mercy in doing so. He has shown that Texas bus charter companies are not operating according to federal regulations, and that their drivers are not the kind of people you want taking care of children. A driver with as many violations as this one had should not have been on the road, let along driving a bus loaded with children. When Jesus makes a point He makes a point, He doesn't fool around! Now these poor children are not only separated form their loved ones, but they are stuck in a spiritual dead zone trapped with the creatures of Darkness, and Jesus has promised that this will only be the beginning. His attacks will continue. What will He expose next, and how will He expose it? I would advise all the church groups in Texas to look very carefully at anything they have to do with to make sure that everything is absolutely legal! Because The Ruler Of Heaven is watching and if He finds the slightest, the slightest thing amiss He will take action, and His action is harsh. Better they fix things themselves, and let the public know they're fixing them, make the world know they're doing their Master's will and getting rid of corruption. Because if they don't their Master will!
Well, we lost another one! Another group of Souls has damned themselves; Daily News, 117 Cayuga St., Fulton, NY 13069 sendusnews@oswegodailynews.com They have written and asked to be removed from our mailing list. Probably one person has made this decision but the entire staff of this publication has been removed from The Book Of Life because they have someone working for them that will not hear The Angelic Messengers and rejects the messages of The Lord Of Heaven. We are getting constant complaints about this. People are saying this is unfair, why should the actions of one punish so many? We have no say in the matter. We only tell people what The Rulers Of Heaven are doing, and The Rulers Of Heaven believe in guilt by association. If you associate with evil people, if you allow their evil actions, if you condone what they do you are as guilty as they are, even if you take no direct part in the evil. These publications employ these individuals. The actions of any individual of that organization reflects the attitude of the entire organization. Not good under American legal standards, but more than enough as far as The Kingdom Of God is concerned to forbid people from entering Their Territories. Again, this might be something your listeners might want to hear about. How do the rest of the staff on this paper feel because one individual has doomed them all?
On a much better note, there's going to be a Christian revival here soon, called Spiritfest. It's organizers have no idea how important their gathering is, or what it is accomplishing. They are energizing one of the three unpolluted psychokinetic portals left in the world. They are purifying and keeping open one of The Kingdom Of God's few sources of power. All the energy The Kingdom Of God is generating with the dead zones in The United States is being channeled through this single portal here in Fargo. The focal point of all of this energy is our modest home. There is little doubt if the people carrying on this festival had not done so, this portal, too, would have become polluted, and The Kingdom Of God would have perished, and with It, the world. They may consider their gathering a mere religious celebration, a time of fellowship, but it is far, far more. Without it the world would be dying. The two other remaining portals are Arlene, France, and Sydney, Australia. These three places are, at this moment, the hope of the world. We must keep these portals going, no matter what. This is one reason Jesus forbids us moving from this area. This portal in Fargo must be controlled! That is an absolute!

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