September 9, 2,002
Jesus Leaves Texas

Well, some very interesting news this morning! Was kind of a surprise, but then really it wasn't. Jesus has decided to give up the material form He has been using in Texas. He feels He has accomplished His purpose, set in motion the things that will insure His goal, and does not want to continue to put the strain on the other Lords Of Light He has been putting on Them. So, He has already returned to The Afterlife. But the system He set up has not been abandoned. Ordinary Souls, ordinary humans, not Lords Of Light, have been put in the bodies that Jesus and His Angelic Guard were using, and will continue His Work, probably, for several years.
Unfortunately some of those in the material form began to notice the changes in the physical form that Jesus was using, and began not to cooperate with him so much, sensing that something strange was afoot. It is very very easy for the bad to pretend to be good. But it is extremely difficult for the good to pretend to be bad. The good simply can't do a lot of the things that the bad enjoy. We can only wait for that that Jesus has set in motion to be fulfilled, and hope that those in the material world fail in their attempts to keep secret what Jesus will have exposed.
The spiritual energy in Abu Dhabi, The United Arab Emirates, will be shut off tomorrow. To keep things in balance its energy will be shifted to Melbourne, Australia. But The Kingdom Of God still needs willing communities to accept this energy, communities working for The Kingdom Of God's Peace Proposal In The Middle East. Awareness, people knowing what is happening, would make the energy flow ten times better and would allow The Kingdom Of God to use it that much more.
Linda was busy with her pen and pencils this weekend! She drew a picture of the rock band Beatles & Friends, in The Afterlife, and then drew individual portraits of each member. We then added a short biography to each portrait, and made a little web site. But we don't exactly know what to do with it. We're not going to put the pictures in Voices, we just can't take up the space. So we've put them online temporarily. Any of our regulars that would like to copy them and put them on their own web sites may do so, free of charge, as long as they don't change anything, and, contact us and let us know. If they know of others who would like to put up the pictures, the main page alone is $10.00 a year. To put all the pictures on your own web site is $25.00 a year. Linda definitely isn't Rembrandt, but she gives people a pretty good idea of what she sees in The Afterlife. Check it out. The pictures will only be up a couple of weeks and then we will be taking them down if nobody is interested

(Someone was interested! Check out the link below for the pictures!)

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