To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

    Below is a letter I'm sending to the deans of colleges and universities around the country.  I'd appreciate it if you help me get it to some of their alma mater.  Obama continues to give us the ammunition we need to destroy him.  His blundering gives us the opportunity to rise the people against him again and again.  He is asking the impossible, again, blaming others for his own folly.  We must use that!  We've got to  stop fighting amongst ourselves and concentrate our efforts on bringing Obama down. 
    I again ask your support to organize The National Buyers' Strike, to start putting pressure on Obama that he can't deal with, that he can't stop.  When Wal Mart, K Mart and everybody else is screaming at him to do something, to get rid of Obama Care so the strike will end, he's going to have to respond!  If we can cut sales in The United States by 25% the victory will be ours!  Obama will not be able to sustain it.  If the cars are sitting on the car dealers' lots the ripple effect will be tremendous.  It is the most powerful weapon we have because there is nothing The Democrats can do to stop it if the people rise up.  Its the only thing they'll listen  to.  When we've got the assurance of the major retailers that they'll start providing real jobs, not part time jobs so people can pay their bills, we'll be showing The American People what we can do, that we can start bringing things back even before we get rid of Obama. 
   Yes!  Less jobs in the short term, but more real jobs!  That is what the people want.  They know what's going on. They know what the truth is.  They're gettin' tired of the people that are deceiving them.  So let's stop deceiving them.  Let's not let The Democrats deceive them. Let's lead them!  Have your staff start calling their universities and their colleges. Have them start saying "Hey look!  Spread this message about Speaker Gerald Polley. Tell your people what he's saying. Tell your dean, tell all your professors.  There'll be some things they'll disagree on but he's still the man that will save America. Help us spread the call!  If we want a future Obama's got to go, now!"

Speaker Gerald Polley

    Oh!  Tomorrow's my birthday, big 6-5!  I'm really depressed. Always get that way before my birthday. My People's way. Going to rent a room so Linda and I can spend the night. Forgot my medicine but I can do without it for one day.  It would be a great birthday present if this was to be picked up by the national media. It would be a fantastic birthday present!

An Open  Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of the United States In 2,012
To The Deans Of Colleges And Universities
Throughout The United States

28-01-03 AJ

Most Sincere Greetings!

      As I say, I am God's candidate for the presidency.  And right now I am totally irate about The Democrats' efforts to try to take over every aspect of peoples' lives, to come up with totally irrational ideas that are totally unworkable, and try to force them on the public.  His latest disaster is the threat to cut funds to colleges and universities if they do not contain tuition costs.  This is utter insanity!  And I'm afraid other Republican candidates are simply going to ignore the issue.  They are too mired down in personal attacks and campaign rhetoric to speak out on an issue that needs to be spoken on immediately. 
    Obama must be stopped!  He says he'll punish schools for increasing fees when he's forcing a health insurance plan on them that they won't be able to pay for!  It is absolute, total insanity!  I promise you, and I guarantee you, if I am president I will fight any attempt to punish colleges and universities because they have to raise tuitions on account of the total incompetence of The Democrats.  The Democrats want to cover up their faults, want to punish everyone else and say they're to blame.  We cannot let that happen!  So I am asking for your support.  I am asking you to call out to The Republicans in your state and ask them to support my campaign.  Yes, I'm radical. I have ideas that some people don't like.  I want to totally abolish the draft. I'd like to get the legislation passed before I'm elected, sign it on inauguration day, and as part of my swearing in ceremony shred the last draft registration card, ending this nightmare that has tormented American mothers for far too long. 
    The keystone of my administration will be to privately raise funds, purchase a tract of land from Saudi Arabia and Yemen, and establish a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel.  It will be a goal of my administration to establish equal rights for women, not only in The United States, but throughout the world, something that is long overdue, that from now on women will be promoted according to seniority and skill and any man that says "You'll get the job if you spend the weekend!" will go to prison.  I would like your support in this. 
    It is my intention that when I become president to end our association with The UN, to stop paying all dues and insist that The UN pay for more of the support of their headquarters in New York.  There will be some things that we will disagree on, undoubtedly.  I am pro choice.  I will not torture women for power.  I am anti gay.  I do not support the homosexual movement in any way.  I am totally against gay marriage and public homosexuality.  If they keep it private, if they keep it at home, if they're not seeking public acceptance I would have no reason to bother them.  But I will not have them teaching my children that what they do is acceptable, because it is not. 
    I am supporting a National Buyers' Strike to stop Obama and end Obama Care.  I believe the supreme court should announce right  now that Obama Care is unconstitutional, that American citizens cannot be forced to buy health insurance.  Millions of dollars are being wasted in the struggle, and it is senseless. The money is needed for other things.  I will not abandon the elderly or, the young who want there to be something to look forward to, to know that after they have worked all their lives there will be something there for them.  That people won't say "Well, thank you!  Good job!  Don't need you any more! Go fend for yourselves. You're a bother now."  Not in America!  That isn't gonna happen!  We're not going to allow it to happen.  I ask you to help me make sure that it doesn't happen. 
    There is one thing I will give the American people that they have never had before, the absolute truth.  I won't hide my religious beliefs, I'm a servant of God.  Always have been, always will be.  And God believes I have every right to be president of The United States as much as anybody else.  Because I'm a little closer to Him than others does not mean that I do not have a right to serve.  He would be very joyous if your school would stand with Him on that issue. 
    We can turn this mess around. We can save the human race, but not if Obama's sodomy continues, not if he continues to destroy the world to push his agenda.  He has committed criminal acts for which he should be impeached.  The blood of the murdered children of Libya cries out from the ground for justice, justice they will never have because Obama will never be held accountable for what he has done.  The Egyptians are already turning on his people. They've realized the tremendous mistake they have made.  There will be others! 
    So I ask you to help me.  Rather or not we disagree on some things,  I think the main issues we will agree on, and enough of them that you will know that I am the one you would want in the presidency.  Because I tell you I will stand with you against this insanity.  I will find ways of lifting your burdens, not increasing them.  The first thing we've gotta do is stop Obama Care, then, stop Obama. 
    I tell the good people around the world I can't do it alone. Even my People do not have enough power.  I need everyone, The Muslims, The Christians, The Hebrews, The Buddhists, The Hindus, everybody.  I need them all.  It's the only chance we have, the only chance the world has. We must act as one.  We must stand as one.  Here's the link to my web site.  There's all kinds of information there, all kinds of things that we support. Find the ones you like and find that there's far more of them than the ones you disagree with.

    Unfortunately that's the thing about politics.  You're never going to find someone that agrees fully with everything that you want, because people are different, and some things you like other people aren't going to like.  However, I will tell you this, I will not punish you because The Democrats have destroyed the economy and you have to increase tuitions. I will not threaten you. I will do all in my power to help you.  Because you're doing the most important job that anyone is doing in this country.  You're educating the young people that we're going to need in the future, the doctors, the lawyers, the scientists that are going to take us to the stars.  And if you can't do that, we're in big, big trouble! 
     So help me make sure you can.  Help me fix the problems.  Help me reach the people we need to reach.  Call out to The Republicans and say "Hey!  Stop these idiots fighting each other and have them start supporting the man that can win. Have them join forces.  I'm offering Newt Gingrich the position of my secretary of defense.  I'm offering Romney secretary of agriculture.  I'm offering Arnold Schwarzenegger secretary of state, well, God is offering Schwarzenegger secretary of state, but what God offers I support.  I'm looking for a Native American for secretary of the interior.  I've heard he has something to do with education.  Maybe one of you knows him.  I'd sure like to meet him!  I'd sure like to get him working with me!  We've got so much to do!  So pass that message around to the Native American People.  "Hey!  God's candidate, the best candidate The Republicans have got, is looking for one of yours. Where is he?" 
   Well, that's what I had to say and I hope you can help. Contact your local t.v. stations.  Contact  your local talk shows and ask them "Hey!  Wake up The Republicans!  They've got a real candidate but they're ignoring him!"

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Who Is Now On His Way To Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621