An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

29-01-03 AJ

    Well, apparently our homosexual pest is running out of his own kind of web sites to put my email address in.  Maybe some of them are tracking him down and getting back to him with their displeasure that he's got me after them.  Now he's continuing with these obnoxious dating sites that aren't quite as bad as the homosexuals, but still pretty sick.  Any woman that would put herself for sale on one of these things you don't really want to be interested in!  The latest one is Mingle2.  Now I really had trouble finding these peoples' home page.  They had no unsubscribe on their emails. Something that's going to change when I become president!  It's going to be far easier for people that don't want this crap coming to them to stop it.  And that's for sure!  Somebody's asked me "Well, what have you got against these women?"  Well, if they're putting themselves on these sites, to put it bluntly there's no telling what's been into them, what diseases they've contracted, what they're spreading around.  I mean, we only had to worry about gonorrhea and syphilis. Now there's AIDS out there and a kind of AIDS that will kill you in a year!  So I would have no interest in these people, whatsoever.  I would prefer to meet people I know and to know the people that they've been associating with, if I was going to do anything. But to meet up with one of these women on the internet that's probably going out with twenty or thirty guys a year? I don't think so!  Just not my thing! 

    Well, lost another one! 
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    Now we have absolutely nothing, no t.v. station, no radio station, and no newspaper in North Carolina!  God is really disappointed.  The same thing with North Dakota.  Only have our friend Elgard up there now.  Well, I've just about written North Dakota off anyway.  It would take a real miracle for us to get anything going up there.  But I am one of the most stubborn beings in Existence!  And I really would like to have something there!  It's just my nature.  Eventually I'd like to win them over and take them with us to the stars.  I'm just so stubborn!  I don't give up, even on the hard cases.  But as I told one bureaucrat around here, as long as I'm being treated unjustly I'll scream about it. And I'm always going to have problems with North Dakota until the situation there is resolved, until I have justice, until those who attacked me are punished.  There's some things I just will not tolerate.  When I'm down on the floor working and a despisable little bitch comes along and viciously kicks me, she's declared war!  And if they want a fight I'll give 'em one right until they stand in judgment.  Then I'll make absolutely sure they go poof forever.  Just nothing else I can do. I have to. 
    Well, let's go into the news!  We have to send a special thanks to La 7 in Italy for exposing corruption in The Vatican. Good work, people!  Benedict's trying to hide stuff again.  He so hates it when anybody exposes what his boyfriends are doing!  Every bit of garbage that can be exposed, every bit of dirt that can be brought out, the happier we are!  The people that exposed this will receive a special reward.  If it ends up Italy does not get a world of its own in the stars, they will be given a hundredth of another world to be divided among their people.  God likes to be generous!  When we get our campaign going, we would invite this network to send a reporter to be our representative with the Italian press.  Hey, there's millionaires in Italy aren't there? Must still be a few of them over there.  Maybe we could get some co ventures going to raise funds for the Palestinian Homeland, something that has nothing really to do with my campaign because I'm trying to raise the funds independently.   We do not want to spend one tax dollar on the project.  So if we could sell some things in Italy we'd love it.  And God's blessings would pour out.  Unfortunately there's not a Catholic protector left in Italy.  None of the ladies there have enough power.  However, the Italians could help fund the one from Mexico that would protect them as well.  And maybe with it happening, it might generate enough power to make an Italian young lady acceptable for the second wave.  You never know!  I don't like bringing nine year olds into the program, but it's the only way they can develop enough power.  We can only wait and see! 
    Wow!  Chief Justice Roberts saying that some justices should excuse themselves from some issues if there's a conflict of interest? I'm not sure exactly why he was saying this, but I think a lot of people are believing he was referring to Obama Care, that at least one of the justices should bow out because of their association with Obama and perhaps their lifestyle.  Now, this is something that I never expected and that God really appreciates.  Maybe the supreme court isn't as negative to us as we think they are!  This shows some common sense.  Now, if we could only promote a little bit more!
    Here's another one that's really irritating me!  The actor Liam Neeson has stated he's considering converting to Islam and there's some people attacking him saying he should be blacklisted in Hollywood. What? Blacklisted because you change religions?  Don't want to hear things like that!  Won't tolerate things like that!  We might have a problem with open homosexuals, but that's not a religion, that's a sickness.  If somebody wants to be Muslim that's nobody else's business.  Nobody's got any right to say a person can't be what he wants to be religiously.  After all, we're expecting a lot of people to start Awakening and announce they're turning to our religious way.  Now, if anybody tries to blacklist them, they're gonna be in a lot of trouble!  I never liked McCarthy.  I don't think they had any business blacklisting communists. Their political views were their right. Free country, freedom of expression.  That little tyrant was garbage!  He hurt many many lives for publicity, some of them friends of mine.  So I have a long memory and I don't wanna see stuff like that happening again. If I'm making a film and I might not want to hire a homosexual actor or actress, that would be my right.  But I would not, in any way, hinder someone else from hiring them.  I might not watch their film, but I would not interfere with them hiring whoever they wanted to hire.  If the person made the film without pushing their sexuality, might be good! 
    Wouldn't mind getting a few homosexual and lesbian actors to make some of my films and raise money for The Palestinian Homeland.  Aside from their sickness some of them are very kind hearted, very generous and very helpful with humanitarian projects. After all, Queen Diana, oh, I'm sorry, Princess Diana, still wants Elton John to tour the world in her name to raise funds for The Palestinian Homeland and if he was to offer, he would be welcomed.  We will never try to keep homosexuals from doing good things.  But we will simply never be able to say what they do is acceptable.  I know some people don't understand, but that's simply what we have to do.  Of course homosexuals that are keeping it to themselves will be more than welcome.  It's only when they start pushing it that it becomes a problem. 
    Wow!  Scientists have detected 26 worlds they believe are in the life sustaining zone around their suns!  We're asked "When the colony ships leave will they head for any of these worlds?" Well, this information may be helpful, but our plan has not altered.  The first ship will leave for the nearest sun, the second ship to the next nearest one, and so on.  Then other ships will begin to follow the first ones and we'll go step by step, sun by sun, going further and further out.  As ships follow they'll drop off colonists.  Some of them might stay for awhile in a solar system and build a major colony.  Then in a thousand years, when we have a pretty good idea what's out there, the other ships will follow and people will take entire worlds.  That's the general plan.  That's what our Forebears did, spreading their race from solar system to solar system, sometimes building artificial worlds where there were no inhabitable ones. It's going to take a little while before humanity reaches that capability.  Sometimes two or three small worlds were smashed together to make one.  Our technology was awesome!  We could do incredible things.  It's too bad we couldn't learn to live in peace with one another and we didn't end up destroying each other.   But there's some people that just can't live in peace, just can't do it!   It's "Live our way or die!"  There's some people that would rather die than live in tyranny.  That's why we've gotta get rid of Obama!
   The company is offering the passengers on their ship that capsized $14,000 for the loss of their property and their mental anguish.  $14,000? Come on, people, let's get real!  $50,000 might not be enough!  A lot of people are refusing to sign off, and they should.  This company's captain was totally incompetent, abandoned the passengers.  $14,000, pittance!
   I was splitting my sides laughing when I read Obama saying he admits that he makes mistakes every day!  That has got to be the understatement of several ages!  He made a mistake when he was born in Africa!  That's obvious!  He made a mistake when he moved to The United States and tried to pretend he was an American citizen. He might not be totally responsible for those mistakes somebody else may have suggested them, but the biggest mistake was the lying and the cheating.   That was the big mistakes.  Not going by the law and being a petty little dictator, telling the people "You do it my way or I'll throw you in prison!"  I think that was a mistake.  I think that was a serious mistake, a mistake that's going to make his presidency a joke!  A mistake that's going to end his presidency.  Yes, Obama, you make mistakes every day, but the worst one you've made is messing with the American people, trying to take away their freedom. That's a mistake  you're going to  regret! 

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Who Is Now On His Way To Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621