An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

25-01-03 AJ

    Got this question.  Interesting!  "Do you think the disaster that The Mayans were predicting was you winning the presidential election and your people taking over the world?"  Now, that's been suggested by several people, but I really don't think so.  Though a good many Christians would consider it's the end of the world, but they've already succeeded pretty good in bringing that about. We don't have to do much. 
    Now, the situation in Arkansas has just blown everybody's mind!  We could not believe the creatures of Darkness have such garbage out there!   But when we went looking for them we found even the creatures of Darkness didn't want to have anything to do with them!  They led us right to them.  Now we're asked why can't we lead the authorities to them? Well, we identified them by the bio signature they had left on the cat.  We traced that. Unfortunately my people couldn't tell where they were.  We're having trouble with that because of the condition of The Holiest Of All.  If it hadn't been for the creatures of Darkness assisting us, because they don't want this kind of trouble, we wouldn't have been able to find these people.  I keep telling people, these are the strangest times!  I still can't imagine that some creatures of Darkness are working with us.  It still absolutely fascinates me.  As I keep saying, we'll know we've won, that we've saved the human race when they stop cooperating and go back to their old ways, which they will do, without question.  Still it will be kind of sad.  Every one of them we can save, the better off we are! 
    Speaking of The Holiest Of All, Its behaving a little bit better. Again today it seems to be plodding on making Its 72 miles without any problems.  There was one little assault by the creatures of Darkness but it didn't amount to anything. They barely put up a fight and then ran like hell.  They just don't seem to be in a fighting mood the last couple of days.  As of 5 p.m. on January 24th The Holiest Of All will be 5.5 miles before Fonda, NY.  It stalled for an hour over Albany.
    A nine year old girl in Colorado Springs managed to get away from her kidnapper, get to a gas station and call for help.  I wonder if she had a little help from Unseen Forces, if she's not quite telling everything that happened for fear that people wouldn't believe her?  Wouldn't surprise me at all. Let's hope they keep this piece of sleaze in prison that tried to kidnap her for a nice long time!
    Here we go again!  The sun is putting out a little solar flare activity, and everybody's saying "Oh, it's the end of the world!  It's the end of the world!"  The sun's been doin' this in cycles since before man was scratching primitive pictures on rocks, and it's gonna be doin' it a lot longer.  My People's sun was so unstable that we had to have a shield of satellites in orbit to create an extra magnetic field to protect us.  It's gonna be a long time before old Solar gets to that state!  So will people please stop screaming "Doomsday!"?  2,012 may be a time of change, but it's not gonna be the end of the world! 
    Well, The UE is trying to show that it can do something by boycotting Iranian oil, and the Iranians are saying they'll shut the Straits again.  Now, they might be crazy enough to try, but with the American navy around they're not gonna close them for long, and not without a lot of casualties.  The Iranians may be idiots but I really don't think they're that stupid!  They're also cowards.  So there's very little chance they're gonna do anything that's gonna get their butts blown away.  Just  not in their nature.  They can send retarded children into crowds wearing suicide bombs and have them blow themselves up, but in a straight one on one fight they're useless. Oh, they may inflict a few casualties but it would probably be a thousand to one and they know it.  So I really don't think we have too much to worry about.  Unfortunately, Obama is using it to terrorize the leaders of The Middle East and to keep them in line, keep them from really rising against his spontaneous rebellions.  I think sooner or later the people of The Middle East will realize that if they had to they could handle Iran if everybody got together, that they don't need The United States, they don't have to give up their freedom to Obama.  These are a smart people.  Sooner or later they're going to realize the truth and say "Enough of this petty little dictator!" I hope it's soon. 
    Sometimes we get silly questions.  We've been asked why the tree fell on Ryan Hiller, a park ranger at Yosemite National Park.  It was just one of those things.  An old tree fell over.  There was a freak gust of wind.  Nobody was after him, either angel or demon.  He just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.  It's commonly called fate.  He's doing perfectly fine, planning on making a quick trip back to the material world and starting over again.  I don't know why, he says he doesn't want to miss all the excitement..  I'll tell you absolutely, I'd like to miss some of the excitement. I'd like to have some peace and quiet again!
   We've been asked if there's any way we can help Sean Kingston recover from the accident that almost killed him. Ow! That's worse than some of mine!  Well, again, I don't know how we could help, but we could use his help. However, he's probably pro gay. We've got all kinds of music that needs to be sung and all kinds of money that needs to be raised.  If he's interested in repaying God we could give him plenty of opportunity!  We're still looking for a million dollar no interest loan for ten years and a place to stay in Hollywood for about a year. Anybody that could get us together with the people that want to bring back some sanity there would be helpful!  It's pretty much up to him.  God is willing to make him one of the most powerful young men in the world, if he wants to be.  All he has to do is ask! 
    Syria is absolutely rejecting the demands of The Arab League for Assad to step down. They are saying their ideas are a violation of Syria's sovereignty, which they are. Why The Arab League is being Obama's henchmen we cannot understand. It simply makes no sense to us. Obama's intent is to overthrow all their governments.  And why they're assisting him in Syria is a total mystery to us.  However, what they're doing definitely is a plot to overthrow the Syrian government, and Syria has every right to reject it.  Somehow we've got to make The Arab League understand that Syria is being used, as Egypt and Libya are being used. Obama's foreign policy is a total disaster!  He has created such chaos in The Middle East that we may not be able to fix it.  It is going to take all our skills to deal with it.  And why some leaders in The Middle East are cooperating with him mystifies us.  They should be standing against him and saying "No!  Get your people out of our countries and don't send anybody back until you have a responsible president, until you have somebody that's more interested in helping people than he is interested in getting at their sons, having them accept sodomy, and join him in bed with his boyfriends!"  It's a crazy world and it's getting crazier every day when intelligent men who should know better are being convinced to destroy themselves. There's gotta be some way of stopping it, there has to be! 
    The lesbian leading the gay marriage effort in Washington State is claiming victory.  We're asked "What can the people do?" Simple! Become the first state to intensify The National Buyers' Strike.  If gay marriage is passed shut the state down until it's repealed, bankrupt Wal Mart, Sears, K Mart.  If we could take away 25% of their business we would be victorious.  The people cannot win by simply complaining.  They have to get out and fight!  The perverts, the garbage are so entrenched that it's gonna take major effort to break their power, but we can do it.  We can push them back into the closets, barricade the doors and say "Do what you want but do it there, not out in the street, not in front of children, not in public."  The people have to fight.  They can't just sit back and say "Somebody else has to do it. I don't want to be uncomfortable. I need a new car and I want to buy it. I need a refrigerator. I want to get it now."  They have to say "Well, for the sake of my kids that car's gonna sit on the dealer's lot.  That refrigerator is gonna sit in the store.  If I need another television I'll find a used one.  Major purchases are gonna wait until decency returns to my state!"  That's what the people have to say, that's what they have to do.  They can't just let it go, they can't let these people destroy their children, they have to get up in this lesbian's face and tell her "You pass this law, you sodomize our children and we'll shut this state down! And we'll keep it shut down until you get rid of this abomination!  We'll defeat you!"  They have the weapon in their pocket, and in their purse that will defeat the homosexual movement.  They have their cash and they have their credit cards.  If they stop using them the homosexual movement is defeated.  They've got to get the courage to do it, to stand up and say "No more!  This trash is not going to destroy my kids!  It's going to stop here!  Not in my state!"  These perverts are not going to have their way, that simple!  That's what it's gonna take, and nothing else is gonna do it. 
    The people have to fight and they need a leader to back them who will be living in The White House and every time the homosexuals force their filth on the decent people of a state he'll rise the people up and put them out.  Wal Mart isn't going to support gay marriage if it means they'll go bankrupt.  Neither is any other major corporation.  We have the power to stop them!  We have the power to bring it to an end.  We not only have to go after Washington State, but New York State and any other state that has legalized gay marriage. We need to force the legislators to put forth legislation declaring that marriage is only between a man and a woman. No civil union, nothing.  Homosexual relationships must not be recognized as any kind of union, but only recognized as insanity. That's what we've gotta do, and if I'm in The White House we can do it. So the people have a choice.  Wait for the perverts to knock on their door and say it's time for their sons to go and live with a man to learn the ways of joy, or wait for the day when open homosexuality is banned forever.  That's the two choices they have. Those who won't fight are selling their sons. Those who are fighting are saving them. There's nothing in between.  There's gotta be more people fighting than quitting!
   We're asked if what happened to Illinois Sen. Mark Kirk had anything to do with The Holiest Of All.  The man had a stroke. He's lucky he survived!  Rather it had anything to do with The Holiest Of All we're not sure.  But right now anything that's happening in that area could have something to do with The Holiest Of All!  It's simply impossible to determine what is and what isn't.  However, we hope the senator recovers quickly.  Doctors can do incredible things now.  What used to be certain death is now "Oh, he'll be all right in a couple weeks."  Let us hope that's what it is in this case.

 A Servant Of Him   
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Who Is Now Headed For Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621