An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
God's Candidate For The First Lady Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

10-01-03 AJ

    We were disgusted to read that actress Kristy McNichol who has starred in the t.v. series "Family" and "Empty Nest" has announced to the world that she is a lesbian, and has lived with the same partner for nearly two decades.  As we always say, if she'd have kept quiet about this it wouldn't have been a problem but now she is an enemy of God.  She is teaching her mental illness, using it to sodomize children. 
    Though she says she revealed this information because she wanted to help kids who are bullied and need support, she is doing more harm by telling kids that being a lesbian or homosexual is o.k.  They will think "Wow, she helped us, she's our hero!  I want to be just like her!"  This is a upsetting.  
    Teenagers definitely need someone to help them fight bullies and someone to look up to.  Why did she have to spoil a good thing, by not keeping it at home, where this sickness belongs?    She could've done something great.  It's true, you should be honest, but this was not something that everyone needed to know to make it better to help kids.
     Also read about the police in England identifying the body that was left on the grounds of the Queen's palace.  It just goes to show, no matter how famous you are it doesn't mean bad things can't be done to you. 
    Things are pretty strange in Mississippi. You talk about gender bias!  A woman can't get an abortion, the lives of abortion doctors are threatened, yet a man who shoots his wife while she's holding their baby and shoots her best friend in the head is given a pardon by the governor because he worked in his house.  This has got to be fixed!  
       A 40 year old convicted murderer who used to work as an inmate trusty at the governor's mansion was denied parole by the state board.   It was never revealed why he was denied.   Two weeks later he received a pardon from Gov. Haley Barbour.   Now the man who survived the shooting, the woman's best friend, has to be terrified that the murderer will seek him out to finish the job.  America is getting crazier and crazier!   A woman was killed and the murderer walks free.  Where is true justice?
    Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes, For A Time,
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621