To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

    Sending you tomorrow's email which contains another update on my husband Speaker Gerald Polley's medical situation and also mine. 

Speaker Linda Polley

An Open Letter From Speaker Linda Polley
God's Candidate For The First Lady Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

12-06-03 AJ

     Back again with a few more pieces of me gone.  I told somebody that'd make a good song title.  Had three biopsies done.  The one on the back of my left leg for the rash didn't go as well as I would've liked.  Ow!  However no great harm done.  Just the numbing shots hurt a little but they're well worth the tiny pain in the long run.  I find out the results next Tuesday.   Hopefully the rash is because I'm allergic to the laundry detergent.
    Heard from my husband Speaker Gerald Polley Monday afternoon.  He's getting more pain medicine now.  I hope he can get some rest. We go for his next chemotherapy treatment Wednesday morning. 
    Now, off to the news!  I have one word for The Supreme Court. Chicken!  Monday they refused to hear the appeal challenging Obama's birth certificate from several people, Alan Keys, Wiley Drake and Markham Robinson who are, of course claiming Alabama is not an American citizen.  We back the challengers on this 100%.  The Supreme Court's excuse was the challengers didn't have legal standing to file the lawsuit.  Well, we know whose side they're on.  I'm sure they could've found enough to put the appeal through if they wanted to.
   So sorry to hear that Robin Roberts, one of the hosts of ABC's "Good Morning America" has a rare blood and bone marrow disorder  called MDS, and will begin receiving pre-treatment, then will undergo a bone marrow transplant.  This is a side effect of the treatment she got to overcome breast cancer in 2,007.  What she has used to be called preleukemia.  She pledges to beat this disease.  She will be getting chemotherapy then the transplant from her sister.  We need more brave women like this.  She's always been one of my favorite morning show hosts.  I pray she accomplishes her goals.
    God has lost another one of His precious children.  Country singer Carrie Underwood has stated she's supporting gay marriage. She is married. She was raised a Baptist, now attends a nondenominational church that is gay friendly, and claims her Christian faith has influenced her liberal views.  She says everyone is different and has to love each other, it's not up to her to judge anybody.   How sad!  How the dark ones so easily corrupt the innocent by preying on their desire to help others.  Hopefully some day she'll once again follow the right path.
    Looks like I'm not the only one to make typos on important information.  A Nevada high school spelled the word "Graduation" wrong on it's diplomas this year.  It was spelled "Graduataion."  The company putting them out was responsible and has sent out corrected diplomas. They realize that they're not perfect and pledge to fix errors immediately.  Thank goodness!
       The little dark one, Miley Cyrus may be engaged at 19, but she's still up to her antics, posting a pic of herself on Twitter that's supposed to be sexy, showing a lot of her cleavage.  I saw it and just thought it was a picture of her in a dress that was too small.  
     Support The National Buyers' Strike!  Save America, and, the world!
    Here's the links to some of our previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
That Is Now Resting In Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621