An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2012
To John Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

07-03-03 AJ

    I think you know we have a problem with the Super Tuesday Primaries.  God's spiritual workers are very upset and they want Santorum to ask for a recount in Ohio and Alaska.   According to their figures he should've won both states, Ohio by about 3,000 votes, and Alaska by about 1,000.  It appears some of Romney's supporters want him to win at any cost, even at the sacrifice of decency and fairness.  God again declares without question, that he will never be president of The United States, even if we have to let Obama win and fight him in other ways.  It simply will not be allowed. 
    Again I am asked to offer Ron Paul something.  People are saying if I can offer someone like Rush Limbaugh a position of honor and importance, I could offer something to Ron Paul.  I really do not think the two of us are compatible. But to please people, to show them I'm fair, I'll make this offer.  If Ron Paul helps me get into the remaining primaries, and stands with me on my proposal of ending The United States' association with The UN, I will offer him the position of the secretary of the treasury, what was supposed to go to Donald Trump.  I am asked why don't I offer Trump a world? Can't.  He's already got one with his own People.  If the human race survives.  So I can't really offer him anything.  We already have deals going back thousands of years.  So can't actually offer him anything more.  He came back into the world to reestablish the glory of Egypt.  His particular project was supposed to be to rebuild the pyramids, return them to their original splendor in honor of the pharaohs of old, to establish a temple by them for the worship of The Lords Of Spirit.  He's got a little confused for some reason and has kind of forgotten about his mission but we believe that sooner or later he'll go back  to it.  I might not have anything to do with Egypt for the next eight years, and my successor might not, but sooner or later we will be reestablishing relationships, and things will go back to the way they were supposed to be.  I constantly say, God is incredibly stubborn.  When He sends someone on a mission He's not satisfied until that person completes that mission.  Helping me in the current crisis would only be a sideline for Trump as he gathers the resources to do his real project and his allies. 
    Again I'm asked "Why are The Bushes so important?"  I very rarely disclose who people used to be.  But God feels it is so important that people know who The Bushes are and why they have so much power.  George W. Bush is the reincarnation of King David.  His father, the senior Bush, is the reincarnation of Jesse, his father.  His mother Barbara Bush, is the reincarnation of Jesse's wife, David's mother.  Jeb Bush is the reincarnation of David's older brother.  Laura Bush is the reincarnation of Queen Esther.  They have all been sent by God to assist me in my efforts to establish a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel, and to bring true and meaningful peace to The Middle East.  Laura Bush was also the reincarnation of Hagar, the mother of Ishmael.  However, several years ago in one of the unusual occurrences that have been happening, the two of them split, and Hagar has taken on her own physical form, and is now dwelling in Saudi Arabia, trying to get to me and increase my power.  That is why The Bushes are so important.  That is why they have so much power.  They are servants of God who God has sent into the material existence to serve His purpose, to serve the purpose of all of us to protect the human species and take them to the stars.  That is why they should be working with me, because that is what they were sent here to do.  We are all servants of Father Abraham.  Father Abraham wants peace between the descendants of his children.  He wants each to have a fair inheritance.  That is why we are here.  That is why we have come.  The current struggle wasn't expected.  What we intended to do should've gone far easier. As some people say, it should've been a piece of cake, a sweet treat.  Instead, it has turned in to a desperate struggle for the survival of the human race.  We hate to lose!  It's against our nature.  It's against our way.  Actually we've never done it!  Though we've suffered some disasters over the ages, in the end they've always come out in our favor.  That's why we think we can win here. 
    I'm asked "O.k., who's Ron Paul?" Can't say.  He's asked me in his spirit form never to reveal that even to his physical form.  He doesn't want it to interfere with the way his physical form does things.  When such requests are made to me, I have to obey them.  By the way, your spiritual form has asked me the same thing!  All I can say is, you have served God before, and you should serve Him again.  However, just about every person of importance in The United States is somebody God has worked with in the past and has served God well in the past.  Of course not Obama.  We have had encounters in the past but they have not been pleasant, and this one is even more unpleasant. 
     The creatures of Darkness are fighting dirty.  They are fighting, by the way.  They started attacking at dusk in Ohio last night, and the battle is still raging as we're dictating this letter. They're willing to commit everything they have to destroy everyone working for them to defeat us, to keep me from being president.  Should tell people something.  If they fear it so much, it's a good thing!  They're also building up power around Las Vegas, we believe for another attempt to stop The Holiest Of All.  However, they're running out of power.  We can tell.  They also tried to attack Saudi Arabia at the capital in Mecca.  The efforts were so dismal that they were almost comical.  They were defeated so easily that it shows they can only mount one major offensive at a time. They have to put everything they have into one place to make any kind of a showing at all.  Then they can barely defeat us. 
    You can crush them, you can finish them.  If you get ahold of Barbara Bush and ask her to take her place in Maine either as my campaign chairman or, Olympia Snowe's assistance.  Either one would fulfill her and her husband's destiny.  She is complaining about the current campaign.  She has the power to fix it, she has the power to make it work.  She is one of God's greatest.  He's waiting.  He's waiting for her to let go of the foolishness of man, return to Him and do wonders like we did before.  God's waiting for her daughter in law too. Vice president for eight years, president for eight years, as was supposed to be.  It should've started with the last election.  It is her destiny, it is her purpose.  She is supposed to take her people to the stars.  Those people now dwell in Texas, but they are still her people.  They are the souls she served. 
   We have the power!  We have the glory!  God has sent it to us, more than we possibly need.  These few are only the tip of the iceberg, only what is seen. There are many, many more. 

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Who Is Now On His Way To Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621