This is what we sent to our friends Kevin & Bean at KROQ in Los Angeles, California today.  Do pass it on.

An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

25-04-02 AJ

    Greetings Guys!

   Don't have time to send our message to everyone.  So just sending a quick note to you.  Michael Jackson would really appreciate it if you could give us some help reaching the people of India residing in California and to let them know that I am trying to raise the funds to bring one of their goddesses to The United States to serve as a courier/protector.  He believes there are some very influential Hindus in your area that if they knew what was going on would help in the project.  For they would like to glorify India, and, Hinduism.  So if you could contact the Indian community he'd appreciate it.  You know what else he wants.  Don't have to repeat that again!  If you could find someone that would want to raise funds for that project he would also be grateful.  It's so cute!  His past memories are still a little fogged and every once and a while he asks me "You sure I wasn't Tut?"  I think he's joking, really.  
    Managed to walk up to Linda's today.  Got a ride most of the way and hope to get one back.  Funds are really tight.  But we're hanging on!  Don't know how sometimes, but we are.  God still has eyes on Los Angeles though some people are really pushing for Washington instead.  I would much prefer Los Angeles!  We'll be spending far too much time in Washington as it is.  Here's the latest from God!

A Servant Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621