An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

13-08-02 AJ

       Well, we're starting off today with a comment brought about with our little expose on our dear little noah, who's crying, by the way, that we won't believe him when he says he's Jewish!  How can we believe him when he says he's anything with all the false identities he's been using? We don't think he knows who he is half the time!  He must have a dozen false identities out there on the internet.  So it's going to be very difficult for us to distinguish what is the truth in anything he says.  When you start out by lying to people and using false identities you can't expect to be believed in anything later.  When you show yourself to be a fraud and brag about it, who's going to believe you?  That's why I won't read any of his material. It's a waste of time!  We did get a good question though concerning what would've happened to somebody like him on The Old Worlds.  We always like these questions because it shows the vast differences in our cultures.  Noah would've been very unhappy on any of our Worlds, especially my Home World, because there he would not have been a problem very long.  Here's the link!

    Had some more questions about some strange stuff that's going on out there.  We have to keep saying all these things that aren't following the rules are worrying us, it's a very bad sign!  Here's the link.

    I'm again asked why do I continually attack other people's ideas, the people that think the world is going to end in 2,012, for instance.  Why can't I respect their opinion?  Because it isn't gonna happen!  May have a few more earthquakes in 2,012, a little bit more bad weather, but there's going to be no great cataclysm!  We keep telling people, the human race isn't going to end with a bang, it's going to end with a whimper, as the world withers and dies and everyone starves to death, that is, if we fail.  However, we do not intend to fail.  Somehow we will raise the human race, keep the lifeline from breaking, and take our human children to the stars.  My becoming president is part of that.  
    We're not gonna give up!  We're fighters, we're not quitters!  We don't run from the perverts, we don't cower to false teachers.  We give God's truth!  So let's stop distracting the people from what really matters, and concentrating on telling them what they have to do to save their butts.  Because that's what matters.  Letting these idiots enrich themselves by screaming "The world's coming to an end in 2,012!   Send me all your money and I'll save you!"  We've gotta stop these con artists.  They're distracting too many people, drawing them away from the true issues. There's actually people out there saying "Why bother worrying about Obama?  Everything's going to end in 2,012 anyway! So it doesn't matter."   This is dangerous.  It is extremely dangerous!  And The Democrats love it.  Of course they love all s**t, anything that keeps the people occupied.  
    Here's the latest installment in John Lennon's yearly payment.  Hope everyone is still following along!

    Here's the links to some of my recent messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621