An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

29-12-02  AJ

    God's little surprise yesterday is still making peoples' heads spin trying to figure out what's going on.  We don't think it was an act of desperation.  But God had Linda write a letter to the women of Israel this morning.  Still trying to reach out to the people of Israel and get something going. Here's the link.

    I am reminded there is another that God has talked about, Paris Jackson, Michael Jackson's daughter.  But she is no longer available, though Michael wishes she was.  We simply cannot, in any way, force courier/protectors to accept their position.  We can offer horrendous rewards but they must come of their own free will.  The danger is such that it is the only way we could begin operations.  Nothing else would be anywhere near acceptable.  Where The Israeli People are empowering this young lady, it's understandable. 
   I had some other things to talk about this morning concerning young ladies. To say we're a little bit ripped is an understatement!  Things are happening that just should not be happening!  Here's the link.

     Continuing to reach out to The Republican Party.  They're the hope of the world.  The Democrats sure as hell aren't going to do anything.  I think they're gonna be pretty mad if we bring Obama down!  However, it looks like God did pretty good this Christmas season.  Target and Sears may be shutting down as many as 150 stores.  Don't be surprised if it's a few more!  It's just simple mathematics.  The people have got no money, and there's too many stores.  Plus, people are getting incredible deals on line that even Wal Mart can't match!  So the stores are struggling.  It's no great mystery.  We're not complaining!  We want to make things even more difficult for them! 
    If we can get the national buyers' strike going and say it won't stop until Obama resigns, and we really get the economy on its knees we will be rockin'!  It's probably the only way.  Nobody's gonna listen otherwise.  They're laughing at the Occupy people and saying they're accomplishing nothing, nobody's paying any attention to them, well, let's give them something to accomplish!  Let's get them to support The Buyers' Strike, support a presidential candidate that's gonna do something, that's already trying to do something, who's wife is trying to do something.  Let's see if we can get them to make a difference.  Let's see if we can get them to reach out to The Republicans and say "Hey!  You've got a guy that's really something!  He's not a politician, he's a decent, honest man who isn't gonna lie to us but's gonna do what he promises.  Come on!  Let's dump these losers!  Let's dump these dirty politicians and elect somebody we can count on, a real, decent, honest man!"  Now that would shake up The Democrats!  That would have them standing in the corner and banging their heads on the wall.  They can't compete with honesty.  It is simply something that is totally and completely beyond their grasp, beyond their understanding.  They can't comprehend it.  Everybody cheats and lies!  Everybody promises everything and does nothing.  You can't have an honest man in the campaign that's actually going to try to give the people what he promises!  That's just against all principles of American politics. 
    The Republicans have a golden opportunity, to show the Democratic system for what it  is .  But they've gotta get rid of their dead weight, they've gotta get rid of the people that are playing politics as usual. Some of them are good people, and we can offer them some good positions, if they follow my doctrines.  But there's some that have simply got to go, that are pushing philosophies that are no longer in any way acceptable.  I tell The Republicans again, I am your candidate!  I'm the man that can win this election!  It's gonna be a fight, we've gotta get down and dirty, we've got to expose all The Democrats' crap!  Every time they pull a dirty trick, we've gotta slap 'em in the face and say "Hey, that's not how you do it!  This is gonna stop!  There's gonna be none of that in this election."  The people want it.  They're tired of the fakes.  They're tired of the dirty politics.  They want something different.  We can give it to them.   We can show the world how it should be done, and we can win!  Give us a little support!  Give us a little help.  Help us reach people in the states and, over seas.  Let's fix things over there and make The Democrats look like total fools. 'Course that's not gonna take much!  That's not gonna take much at all!  The people want it, let's give it to them!  Let's get these good people workin' with me.  Let's put on a show like nobody's ever seen!  Come November let The Democrats be moaning and crying and saying "What in the hell hit us!"
    We've heard that Occupy people in Iowa intend to write "none of the above" when they vote in the caucuses.  They would be much better off writing in Gerald Polley.  It would be a tremendous blow to the establishment if we took the vote away from the leading candidates, just pulled it right out from under 'em!  If the people tell The Republicans "Hey, you've got the best candidate that isn't even on the ballot!  We're voting for him!"  That would be perfect!  God would praise them forever! 
   Here's the link to the next part of our new fiction story.

    Support The National Buyers' Strike!  Save America, and, the world!
   Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes, For A Time,
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621