An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

02-12-02 AJ

    Though Linda's not doing well I managed to get up to her place and we got a message off to Boehner. Here's that.

    I also had a few things to say.  There's a lot out there. What happened in Kentucky absolutely disgusted us!  What garbage is still in the world!  Here's the link.

    Not having a good time!  Things at the house are totally out of control!  The manager understands, but the owner is irate  that I called the guy that scratched up our car an animal.  She says I have no proof and it's not right for me to make such accusations.  She knows damned well the guy did it, but she didn't want to put him out because it's the holidays and she feels no matter what anybody does you should forgive them. She's talking to the wrong person!  He's still throwing a tantrum every time I come into the kitchen.  72 years old and he acts like a 3 year old.  Things have quieted down a little bit. He's not doing some of his tricks, but they'll start up again.  He is determined to pick a fight!  As I keep saying, sooner or later he'll attack, it's inevitable. 
    Linda was deathly sick Wednesday.  Her ride to the doctor didn't show up, this is getting to be a bad habit with these people, and she finally had to take the ambulance to the hospital.  She didn't have enough for cab fare both ways.  They said it's just a very severe cold but she was absolutely right in coming in.  I don't know if us living together would be possible again, not for a while anyway.  Linda's making tremendous progress.  But it's still very hard for her when she's sick.  At least now she will get medicine and take it, which is an improvement.  But we certainly don't know what we're going to do if this situation continues. It may be months before the social worker can get me housing. I should have been eligible a year ago. We won't go into that again!  But the creatures of Darkness are obviously doing all in their power to keep us from doing God's work.  If we could solve this problem by moving to Los Angeles and having staff, ,well, God would be pleased to say the least.
    There are those that are going to cry and wail because they forsook Linda, that they were not there to take care of her when they were supposed to be. Hopefully it won't destroy some of them forever.  A lot of them will be crying "Our mother forgive us!"
    Support The Christmas Buyer's Strike!  Save America, and, the world!
    Here's the links to some of my previous messages

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes, For A Time,
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621