An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

12-12-02 AJ

   Got a mess of stuff this morning!  We'll start with what we sent to The CEO of Anheuser-Busch seeking their endorsement. We'll be reaching out to a lot of other companies trying to get them to support the people.  Here's the link.

    Then we had to write to Boehner.  What's going on in The Middle East shows the creatures of Darkness fear us reaching The Palestinians. Here's the link.

    Then we had to cover the strangeness in Los Angeles, which is really disturbing us.  The creatures of Darkness are getting desperate. They're doing absolutely useless things to gain just a little power and the only way to truly stop them is overwhelm them, get to Los Angeles, and get our programs going, take up residence in Hollywood and send God's power around the world from there.  So God continues to reach out to those that have His glory. Here's the link.

    People say "Oh, these big companies would never endorse you!"  Well, if they don't want to be taxed out of existence they'd better!   If they don't want to be buried in bureaucracy with Washington telling them every little thing they have to do, well, they can continue the status quo or they can fight back. They can do the unusual.  They can help raise our loans.  They can put us in their advertising.  They can tell the world they want freedom and encourage the people to follow us. They can show the people they're not their enemy. As I say in the letter, if the American people don't have any money they'll go out of business.  So it's to their benefit that they support us and fix this nightmare.  I intend to ask the executives of the major companies to help in other ways.  But I'm not going to double the taxes on the rich so I can pay for unnecessary programs and give jobs with inflated salaries to my friends so I'll be reelected. It's not my way of doing things.  I will try to arrange it so everybody working for me is giving their salaries back to the people doing good deeds around the country to show the people we have a better way of doing things.  Some people don't like our ideas. They don't want us setting such precedence of showing the people what real leaders should be.  Not those interested in enriching themselves at the peoples' expense, but those interested in serving the people. 
    Speaking of advertising, God is speaking out against The Florida Family Association of Tampa Bay, Florida, that is trying to get people to boycott advertisers on TLC's "All American Muslim."  Such companies as Lowe's, Campbell's Soup, McDonald's and Wal Mart have dropped their ads.  God asks all Americans to boycott these companies until they return their ads to this show.  This so called Family Association is simply a front for anti Muslim fanatics that consider all Muslims terrorists. 
     God would appreciate it very much if Muslims would put ads on this show and include a comment about our campaign.  Our slogan right now is "Speaker Gerald Polley For President!  Let's Fix This Mess!"  We would love to have this ad appear several times on this program.  Of course there are some things that fundamentalist Muslims teach that we disagree with, just as there are some things with Christian fundamentalists that we disagree with.  But lumping all Muslims together and saying that they are trying to take over America is the same kind of people that lumped all colored people together and said they were trying to take over America.  We must have rational behavior!  I seek the endorsement of all Muslim companies in The United States.  Any company that will add a mention of my campaign to their ads will be praised by God.
    Support The Christmas Buyer's Strike!  We can still make history!
    Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes For A Time
To  Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621