To Representative Boehner
Leader Of The House Of Representatives

    Did I hear that we're making progress, that The Democrats have said they're giving up on their efforts to tax the rich, or did I read that article wrong?  Hope I didn't!  That would be excellent, a substantial win over Obama!  Below is a letter I've written to The Veterans Of Foreign Wars in Iowa.  We're having trouble finding emails even web sites, so if you've got any friends in Iowa that are veterans I'd really appreciate you sending this to them and asking them to pass it around to their friends.  We'll try sending it to the media in Iowa and asking them to pass it on, that God really wants to reach the veterans.  Too many times America's sons and daughters have fought and died believing the promises made by the politicians, only to return home and be betrayed.  That must not happen again!  This time they must be given what they were promised, and more!  God has asked me to base my campaign on doing good deeds.  I would like to get some of the well known country singers to support my campaign, to do concerts in the primary states and have the funds raised by those concerts go to helping pay the mortgage of veterans that have fought in Iraq and Afghanistan.  I think this would be a tremendous good deed.  Just the kind of thing that God wants us to do to show the people that we can do things, that we can help people without raising taxes.  Come on!  You've gotta know some of these people. I'm sure some of them are your friends, I'm sure some of them support your issues.  Give 'em a call!  Tell them about me.  Maybe some of the ladies would volunteer to be temporary courier/protectors and enable me to reach the people.  We need to show those in the military that the people care, that they appreciate what they have done, that it was of value and they're not going to be abandoned like those who fought in Viet Nam were abandoned. 

Speaker Gerald Polley

An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The VFW Posts Of Iowa

15-12-02 AJ

Most Sincere Greetings To Americas Heroes!

    I know from previous experience that you cannot, as a group, endorse a presidential candidate.  But I am reaching out to the individual members of your organization because I sincerely believe I am their candidate.  I will tell you right now if I am president I will do all in my power to protect veterans' rights.  I will not cut funds to veterans' programs so perverts can be supported to win the presidency.  I will not abandon the wives and children of those who have fallen in battle to support useless projects to get a senator or a representative reelected. 
    One of the chief goals of my administration will be to abolish the draft forever so American mothers will not have to be terrified that their sons will be drafted into a homosexual army and forced to have sexual relations with perverted officers.  Do not get me wrong, I will honor every homosexual that quietly serves.  I will praise their sacrifice.  However, I cannot allow them to declare openly that they are homosexuals and teach their sickness to children, to tell them it is acceptable, because it is never acceptable.  Those who serve and keep their sickness private, and do not bother others have every right to be honored, respected and praised.  However, those who declare "I'm gay, I'm proud!  Accept me!" have become the enemy. It cannot be tolerated no matter how much the parents of the deranged want them accepted.  To protect our children we must make a stand, we must draw a line.  All that we're asking is they keep it private.  "Don't Ask,  Don't Tell" will be reinstated, and if a man can't abide by it he will have to be put out of the service for his own safety.  For sooner or later decent men are going to start being offended if the deranged proposition them.  So for the homosexuals' own safety they must keep their sickness private, off duty, off the base, out of sight.  As long as they are not breaking any other laws they can serve with honor and pride.  Sometimes we have to make very hard decisions for the sake of everyone.  We have been extremely surprised there have not yet been incidents of violence where a homosexual could not leave a straight person alone and that straight person has reacted. 
    I will tell you right now, without question, if a soldier assaults a homosexual because he is harassing him and insulting him, if he is punished for that, as soon as I am president I will give that individual a full and complete pardon and restore him to military service.  I will not allow Obama's sickness!  I will not allow him to tell men "You have to let homosexuals insult you.  You must permit them to degrade you and say that you are not a man."  I will not permit it no matter how much he wants men to adore him!
    Now that I have made that perfectly clear, I have said, without doubt where I stand on that issue, I must tell you Obama is the greatest hypocrite that has ever lived, without doubt, without question.  He makes a big show of welcoming the troops home and while they were away he has supported financial institutions in stealing their homes.  I receive constant complaints about this and I am begged to do something.  So this is the proposal I would put forth if I was elected, and that I will even work on before I am elected, that it be required of all financial institutions by federal law, that if an individual is called to active duty and has to serve overseas, for one year the interest on the loans for their homes would be reduced to zero.  That they would only be required to pay on the principal, and that for two years they only be charged half the interest that they were required to pay before.  This would give struggling families extra time and extra funds to stabilize their finances while a family member is overseas.  And I would also require of all states that any financial institution that would refuse to accept this policy and grant military personnel loans would lose their license to operate in that state.  We're not asking for anything unfair, we're just asking that those that are fighting for America and risking all in the service of The United States be given a break, be given a chance.  I would also like to see legislation that would state that those returning from active duty overseas be given the same courtesy, the same benefit. The lending institutions would lose very little.  Also, I would require that no service personnel serving overseas or, in a war zone, can have their house foreclosed on.  That they will be given an opportunity to pay on the principle of their loan until such time as they return home and have an opportunity to raise the funds to pay off their loan.  We are not asking for charity.  We are asking for fairness.  When someone's risking their lives to serve their countrymen their countrymen should support them. 
    This is what I would like to have The Veterans Of Foreign Wars support me on.  I want to get on the ballot in Iowa.  I want to win the Republican nomination.  I want to go to the primaries having won so many states that my appointment as the Republican candidate will be absolutely assured. I would like to have the support of every veteran in The United States.  I would like to have them telling their friends and neighbors, their relatives and every government politician that they can reach, "Support Gerald Polley's candidacy for the presidency! For he is the candidate of all veterans.  He will stand for their rights and see that they are not cheated.  He will do his very best for them, and never betray them for any other cause.  Veterans' benefits are nonnegotiable, untouchable. They're not going to be taken away to support some Democratic senator's whore.  And don't anybody say they don't have them!  Just look at Billy boy!  To Democrats stealing other people's money to support their lust is a way of life.  Obama is excellent proof of this. 
    God has asked me to fund my campaign in an unusual way.  Though we will take donations God would prefer that everyone that truly believes in Him loan me one dollar, at least, for ten years which I will put in the bank and use the interest from to run my campaign.  At the end of that ten years the monies would be returned to the people by being donated to local charities.  God would like every veterans' post in Iowa to have their members loan me one dollar, at least, and encourage their friends and relations to loan me a dollar.  And in ten years those loans would be returned to the people.  If each veterans' post lets me know how much they're sending I'll have those funds returned to veterans' charities in their area.  This is God's way, this is God's idea.  I will not take, no matter what, one cent of federal matching funds!  Any of my staff that even apply for them will be immediately dismissed.  I will not steal from one person that does not support me.  I will not take tax dollars to fund my campaign.  I sincerely believe that if a candidate cannot raise the funds to operate his campaign he should not run it.  He should not be in the campaign.  If I cannot find what the people want, and support those issues, gaining their support, I could never lead the country. 
   God wants to prove that someone that truly worships Him, that truly believes and will behave according to His rules can be president of The United States and do a good job.  I would appreciate the help of The Veterans Of Foreign Wars in proving God right.  I am a simple man.  I am not a politician. My word is absolute because I am a servant of God. What I say I will do, I will do.  And if I say I will stand for America's veterans, I will stand for America's soldiers, I will stand for them!
   God has also asked me to base my campaign on doing good deeds.  I am looking for industries that will go into some co ventures with me to help me raise the funds to do those good deeds.  If the owners of some of those companies are veterans that share my views, all the better!  I'd love to get together with them!  I want to get in the Iowa voting!  When the polls come out afterwards I want to make a damned good showing because God wants to know that the people are supporting our causes, believe in what we're protecting.  The Veterans Of Foreign Wars being with me would be a great beginning.  If they help me win Iowa and show the rest of the veterans what we can do, when the people rise up and say "No more!" to the political games, when they say "We want truth!  We want someone that's not going to lie to us." Everything is on our web site, everything we're trying to do. The link is at the end of this letter.  The VFW can save The United States, it can save the world.  It can bring back  decency and truth if it supports my efforts and says "No more betrayal!  No more lies!  Listen to us or we'll put you out!  Cheat us and we'll destroy you!"  We need to send that message. We need to send it loud and we need to send it strong!

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes For A Time
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621