An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

24-12-02 AJ

     Boy!  Kim is giving us some great ideas!  Here's the link to what we sent to Boehner.

    He also wants to honor some of our old friends while getting his son up and running at the same time.  Here's the link to that.

    As I say, I get a kick out of it that Kim is referring to me as The Korean People's great grandfather, just what I need, another title!  Again this comes from the belief among many humans that the sons I fathered when I first came to Earth, with a human wife became the patriarchs of all the major races.  I'll admit, those boys got around!  However, so did their sisters and that shouldn't be forgotten, that should be remembered.  A lot of humans out there have their desendency from them, not just my sons.  It's half dozen of one, two dozen of the other!  I really don't mind.  If Kim wants The North Koreans to work with us, and call me their great grandfather, that's perfectly all right with me!  I've been called a lot worse things that I can't repeat in public!  Grandfather is one I have no objections too.  We can get along with that one just fine! 
    I think it can be easily said that at this moment Kim's son is the most powerful person in Asia.  He holds the fate of the human race in his hands.  As I keep saying, This was supposed to be a good time!  We were supposed to have fun!  Everything was supposed to go smoothly.  That a few deranged extra terrestrials who think they own everything in sight, could put the human race on the verge of extinction is just unacceptable!  We've got to undo the damage they did and get things back to where they're supposed to be!  There's gotta be a way of doing it!  We can't let them destroy everything that we've dreamed of!  We can't return to the stars while Our earthly children are dying, it simply cannot happen!   We're a god damned stubborn race. It's one of the few emotions that we have.  It's just not going to happen!  Somehow we're going to stop it! 
    As tomorrow is Christmas there'll be no official email.  I might be puttering and doing some stuff around the country. Right now I'm sending some extra emails to the t.v. stations in Texas with Sam Houston's message.  We won't be idol!  But as best as people can have one, good holiday!
    One final thing.  I'm asked "What does God want for Christmas?  If there was one thing in the world He would have what would it be?" That's an easy one!  He says it all the time.  The one thing He wants most is for Laura Bush to join my campaign, to become my vice presidential candidate.  It's God's greatest wish, His greatest desire.  That would make His Christmas!
    Here's the latest chapters of our fiction story.

    Support The Christmas Buyer's Strike! Save America, and, the world!
    Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him That Dwells
In The Holiest Of All
And Wishes, For A Time,
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621