An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

20-12-02 AJ

    The death of Kim Jong Il in North Korea has brought tremendous opportunity.  Here's my message concerning it.

     Reaching out to the people of Virginia.  Here's what we said to Boehner.

    We're asked "Why Arlington Cemetery?" Simply, it's an extension of Washington, and one of the greatest spiritual power sources in the area. I can tell you Obama would like to dig it up and move it about a hundred miles away.  Because God's power is there and the power of those that oppose Him.  It would be the perfect place for us!  Robert E. Lee says it's too bad we couldn't move into his home.  That would be impossible but what power that would give us!  It would be phenomenal!  
     I got a silly question!  Somebody asked "Well, if you're president will there ever be a memorial to you in Washington?"  I wouldn't want one.  I wouldn't want people wasting their money.  I tell you what would be the greatest honor to me, is having a statue made of me and put it in the Lincoln memorial looking up at Lincoln and saluting him,  putting on the base of it "He only accomplished what he accomplished because he stood on the shoulders of giants that came before."  Now that would be a fitting memorial!  That is what I would appreciate!  It shouldn't cost anybody that much! 
     Here's the link to the next part of our new fiction story.

   Support The Christmas Buyer's Strike!  Save America, and, the world!
    Wanted to mention that God is asking people to continue The Buyer's Strike after Christmas, not to go to the post Christmas sales, and let the retailers' stock sit unsold.  We can still make an impression on the major retailers. 
   Here's the links to some of my recent messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes, For A Time,
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles.

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621