An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

31-12-02 AJ

    Well, here's the last email for 2,011!  There won't be one for New Year's Day.  Gonna be nobody around and there's no sense sending one out.  Now you watch, something fantastic will happen.  It's the way it goes!  Now, to say that I'm a little bit unhappy today is an understatement. Here's what I sent to Boehner on the issue.  Sometimes it's just so hard to get ahold of people!

    Quite a bit in my regular talk.  Some nice stuff.  Here's the link!

    Now, we were talking about the courier/protectors. It seems to be a favorite subject and I don't know if I mentioned that Ishmael himself, wants to be the first Apostle of the Saudi Arabian protector, and create her Afterlife so she can take her people to the stars.  That's quite an honor!  The great Islamic Leader Saladin wants to do the same for the Syrian protector.  So these young ladies are going to have some pretty powerful men behind them, just as some men have some pretty powerful women.  It's a little matter they wanted me to put out in my last message this year.  I wouldn't want to be anybody that tried to take advantage of these young ladies, that tried to use them!  Very strange things could happen to them, quite unpleasant things, too!
    I've been asked again what are we going to do about the fact that we have only fifty worlds for the states and fifty for the countries?  Well, we're definitely going to have to double up some countries, put them together.  Kim Jong Il has already stated that he will offer South Korea 10% of his people's world if they help fund the North Korean protector.  I believe he may also offer 10% to Viet Nam.  Why particularly Viet Nam I don't know.  However, those are the two offers he is putting forth.  So there are those that will be reaching out to others.  Of course there's some countries that there's no possibility they'll ever get a world, France and Britain are out of it.  Scotland and Ireland may share a world if we get an Anglican protector.  And of course France because of the murder of Libya's children is out of the picture.  Plus Libya and Egypt. What was supposed to be one of the greatest nations will probably be left out of everything. 
    I'm asked "Isn't there any appeal?  Isn't there any hope?" Well, of course!  If they dump Obama, return the property of Mubarak and his family, and let them leave Egypt, there's a possibility after their punishment is over, they can be reinstated, but not for a while because we intend to use what was supposed to go to them for others.  So it's going to be sixteen or twenty-four years before we'd start doing anything in Egypt, that's how mad we are!  People say you don't want to get on our bad side and it's absolutely true!  However, we can be merciful if people start cooperating.  As long as they support Obama no way!  Now, if The Egyptians come forward with evidence that Obama instigated the rebellions that would be very beneficial to them, it might even make it so their punishment wouldn't last so long.  If they could do some other little things, well, we might get on good terms again. 
    In ways this has been a good year because God has been proving His point, showing what He can do. Some Democrats wish He hadn't. We've got some of them on the run but we intend for there to be more. Some of the Republican candidates wish we weren't interested in the campaign!  But we're also trying to be fair to them. We can use them if they'll cooperate. However, they better understand, with us, when they promise to do something it's absolute!  If they break their word we get very, very upset!  That's something nobody wants. The Egyptians and The Libyans are gonna learn that. 
    We can't wait for next year to see what God has up His sleeve!  Just watching these people squirm is fun and waiting to see who He brings down next.  He will bring 'em down!  It's only a matter of time.  We just hope we have enough.  God is beginning to hit nerves. He's beginning to touch people where they notice, and they're beginning to say "Maybe we better start listening!"  As long as we can keep Obama from breaking Syria there's a chance of the human race's survival.  If we can get their courier/protector we could rock the world!  But just one isn't enough. 
    Somebody says "The American people will never accept it!"  I think if we get the project going and the American people get to know these young ladies, see their courage and their determination, they'll warm to them. I think they'll adore them and they'll come to feel they're just as much theirs as their own people.  If some reporter starts attacking them, making fun of them, well, we wouldn't want anything nasty! 
     Here's the next part of our fiction story.

    Support The National Buyer's Strike!  Save America, and, the world!
    Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes, For A Time,
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621