An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

22-12-02 AJ

  Well, people really want to use the power that Kim is rising!  I've got all kinds of people that want to do what he's going to do, are reaching out to those in the material world trying to get them to take the glorification that God is offering.  Here's the link to what we sent Boehner.

    I'm continuing to speak out against the losers.  Here's my comments.

    Somebody has said "Please leave Boehner alone! He can't possibly do the things that you ask, they're totally unacceptable so please shut up!" Well, I'm not really asking, God is.  So Boehner's gonna have to decide rather or not he wants to do what God wants. 
    The Democrats are playing dirty tricks.  The House passes something good, their garbage in the senate tacks something onto it and passes it that the House cannot accept and rejects it. Then The Democrats scream The Republicans won't compromise. Well, it's time they start compromising, it's time they stop their garbage!   Accept the legislation that's passed, don't add to it, and let's get somethin' done!  They're the obstructionists, they're the ones that won't let the government do anything.  All they have to do is not mess with things.  Pass what needs to be passed right now, and work on other things later.  Somehow we have to get rid of this trash in the Senate, and get some people in there that care about the people! 
    I've been told I shouldn't call The Democrats names.  I have to!  I have to say what they are.  They're criminals!  They don't care about anyone or anything but raising taxes and making more high paying government jobs for their friends so they'll fund their next campaigns. It has to stop and we need Boehner's help to stop it!
   Here's the link to the next chapter of "Journey To The Light."

   Support The Christmas Buyer's Strike!  Save America, and, the world!
    Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All,
And Wishes, For A Time,
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621