An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

13-12-02 AJ

    Sparks are flying!  The creatures of Darkness are terrified!  Here's what we sent to Boehner.

    Wanted to write to McDonald's, but they're not too friendly.  So we just wrote a general letter to the public. Here's the link. Check it out!

     Have to say in ways the current Republican candidates are doing a good job of keeping the pressure on Obama.  It's too bad none of them will be able to win.  That's the main reason God is asking me to run.  He still says the American people need something, honesty in politics, a person who, when he gives his word will keep it. 
   Got a strange email, one of those I couldn't copy, complaining that we had a book on line that we don't have up!  We're still trying to figure that one out!  However, we've got plenty up there that we would like to have produced and sold around the world to help raise funds for our many projects.  There's many good deeds I want to do. If we could only raise the funds to do them!  There's millionaires out there whose children have been destroyed by drugs.  There's millionaires whose children have been destroyed by AIDS that know the homosexual movement is wrong.  There's millionaires out there that want there to be peace in the world, that want The Palestinians to have a homeland, for the ages of hate to end.  This is what the creatures of Darkness fear the most, that we will end the hate and take away their power.  If we can break them in The Middle East, if we can bring stability to that area, and make the people there understand that violence against others isn't the answer, building a prosperous world together is. 
    If we can break that dark power the human race has a future, there is hope.  If we cannot, there is no hope.  So failure is not an option!  We simply must succeed!  We are offering China the contract to build a starship and take our children into the heavens, to lead the way to the stars, a bargain that will make them prosperous for decades.  We are offering other things to other people.  However, they are only available if they start kicking the people out that are telling them to kill, that are telling them to hate anyone that's different.  That age is passing, and those that turn from it are going to be the wise. 
    Our power is growing daily.  When it bursts forth we will change the world.  Don't be among those left behind!  Be among those crying "Glory be to God in all His forms, in all His ways! Let all men praise Him, whatever they call Him!" When that cry is being raised around the world, the human race will survive and they will go to the stars.  Then some day Islamic children on other worlds will ask their parents "Where did it all begin?" and their parents will answer "On a wondrous, beautiful world called Earth, where the children of Heaven defended God and brought His children out of Darkness."  That is a prophecy that must come true, that has to succeed, that must succeed  if God is with you all.
     Support The Christmas Buyer's Strike!  Save America, and, the world! 
    Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of
Him That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes For A Time
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605
(207) 812-1621