To Representative Boehner

    Had no separate email for you today, but here's what I'll be sending out tomorrow.  Know anybody in The National Rifle Association?

Speaker Gerald Polley

An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

04-12-02 AJ

    Got some interesting responses from our mailings to Kentucky.  One was really cute.  It said "If you're not real I wish to God you were!  Please keep speaking out."  Got one comment though, we do have to go into.  It basically said "You're absolutely wrong!  God would not condemn a whole church because nine people believe it is wrong to mix the races."  Oh yes He can!  If the rest of the people in the church had spoken out and said "No way!  We're not going to tolerate this in our church!" but only six members spoke against this atrocity.  So God says the whole church is punished.  That's the way God is, He doesn't go half way!  When people sit on their duffs and say "I'm not going to get involved, I'm not going to speak against their friends, I'm not going to hurt their feelings. They feel strongly on this," then God has nothing to do with them.  They have abandoned His principles.  They have said that a part of His creation is not acceptable.  There is no middle ground.  When The Klan ruled the south those who closed their eyes and permitted their evil were far more guilty of the atrocities than those doing them. Those who wouldn't stand up and say their neighbors were wrong, their neighbors were evil, their neighbors were murderers, were the ones that were responsible for every act that The Klan committed. You can't sit aside and say "I'm not going to get involved," and be right with God. 
   There was also a complaint that God would never put a colored person in charge over whites, that all The Apostles were white and God would not change that philosophy.  Boy, this person's in trouble!  It just so happens that the man God wants to take Jesus' Throne is Nelson Mandela, definitely a person of dark complexion.  We desperately need to reach him, somehow get Linda to him and empower him while he is still in this world.  As Jesus was empowered while He was still in the material world, His replacement needs to be empowered while he is still in the material world, and we need that High Steward, there's no ifs, ands, or buts about it.  John Lennon, because of his love for Yoko Ono, will not stay on Jesus' Throne forever.  He is only a temporary replacement.  We must have a permanent one if the human race is to survive.  Nelson Mandela is the one that God wants, one of His true sons should take the leadership of the children of Earth, not one of my people.  A true native, not a Haven should be The Ruler Of Heaven.  So those that degrade people of color and say they are inferior are going to be in for an awful surprise when they enter The Kingdom Of God and find who is ruling It!  That of course, is if we succeed and the human race survives.
    This upcoming election is not just a choice of political leaders, it is a choice between eternal life, and, eternal death.  Obama is a creature of Darkness, a thing of profound evil.  His goal is to sodomize the human race or destroy it. If he can't have his way he will destroy every soul on Earth.  That is how deep is his lust.  He must be stopped!  We are in hopes The Islamic People will stop him, that they will expose what he is doing and rally to God and help us put him out.  Some people say "You simply cannot say such things!"  We speak the truth!  We have to say these things.  Nine people can destroy the world.  One man can destroy the world if he is not stopped.  We intend to stop him! 
    We are still trying to reach the Occupy people and have them join our efforts.  They would be a good foundation in every state.  If the executives of the big companies know I'm going to be president they'll be inclined to cooperate with me and come out with the programs I would be working on.  So if Occupy starts supporting me, starts asking people to support me, starts working on The Buyer's Strike, they can still be extremely effective.  They can send a message that will rock the world.  We're not going to  accept the corruption any more!  We're going to elect people that will do what they promise, and if they don't we'll put them out!  It's that simple! 
    That's the message we're sending; "Either help us, either stand with us, or when we're in power we'll do something about it. We want to be fair to you, we want to be decent, but don't turn against us!  Don't try to silence us!  If you do you will be our enemies and we will deal with it.  We have a voice of truth, we have someone that will not lie to us, no matter how convenient it would be.  And if he becomes president he will be a power you will have to reckon with."  If Occupy is saying this the executives of the big companies are going to listen.  If they know there's a candidate that's not going to play the game unless they start cooperating, and that candidate's going to win the presidency, they're going to support him.  They're not stupid!  They don't want us taking radical action.  So they're more than likely to stand with us and cooperate, and help us.  If Occupy right now, was asking The LA Times to endorse my candidacy, and to help raise the fund to move me to Los Angeles, it is a message that would spread throughout the world.  The police may have driven them out of their encampment, but they have not taken their power!  If the businesses stop advertising in The LA timers if they won't support us, The LA Times and other newspapers are going to begin to listen.  This is a peoples' fight, this is a peoples' battle. It is live or die.  It is for every future generation because unless we succeed there won't be any future generations. 
    Obama will not cooperate.  He will not budge.  He wants his increased taxes, he wants to bleed people more.  When a fund is short he's not stimulating the economy to increase taxes, he's cutting the payments into the fund so that it's even worse off. He's trying to collapse it, he's trying to make it fail!  The people can see it.  The executives are closing their eyes because they want to maintain the status quo. 
    Let's take one little thing.  I want Anheuser Busch to endorse me.  I want them to put an ad on all of their packaging in the primary states with a picture of me and my wife, that says "Speaker Gerald Polley For President 2,012!  Let's Fix This Mess!"  Now, people say that that's inappropriate.  Tell me why?  Tell me why a company wouldn't have a right to endorse me  and tell the people that they should vote for me.  I believe any group has a right to endorse me.  I want the endorsement of The Islamic Mosques, The Jewish Synagogues in every state.  Because I will be defending Israel and, The Arab Nations, because both are being used.  I want the endorsement of The National Rifle Association because I am totally against gun control and registration.  I firmly believe in the old adage, "If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns." The criminals would be absolutely delighted if the people were unarmed and unable to defend themselves. If I am president it will not happen!  I want the endorsement of AARP because I will protect the rights of the elderly, I will not take away what they have been promised, and I will fight every single person that tries to, no matter how popular he is, no matter how powerful she is, I will fight them!  I will find other ways of raising money and boosting these funds, another reason the executives should support me. I do not believe in unfair taxation.  There should be one tax rate for all.  We will not tolerate injustice.  We will not tolerate stealing from one group to get votes from others. It is simply not our way!
   I'm rambling on but there is just simply so much that Occupy could do if they were to join the effort.  They could reach the people and tell them "We have a champion!  We have a hero!  It's not going to be politics as usual for the next eight years!  It's going to be get things done, find ways!  Stand against the evil and stop it."  If the people stand with God, if the people stand with me because I am His servant and deliver His truth, we can fix America and we can fix the world.  That's why The Democrats are doing all in their power to keep me from being heard.  But we are being heard more and more every day!  We give a promise that the people are going to be heard. We can't always agree, but they're going to be heard!  I will never allow them to be silenced!  If I'm going to speak somewhere and I find out the local authorities are taking signs away from demonstrators because they don't like what they're saying, I'll go there, retrieve the signs and give them back to the people.  If someone doesn't like me, if someone doesn't like what I'm saying, I'll let them say so!  I'm perfectly capable of defending my issues, of telling people why I can't support something.  If someone wants to tell me they disagree I'll let them!  There's some things I won't allow, insults and threats will not be accepted.  Well, maybe some little insults, but no threats. 
   But come on, Occupy!  If you want to save the world, if you want to change the world, stand with us!  Hey, the president of Afghanistan is listening!  He's beginning to do what God asks.  If God can do that, imagine what He can do in The United States!  Other people are listening too.  They know what we're saying is true. They're trying to find ways to act.  Encourage them.  Now is the time! 

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes, For A Time
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621