An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

11-12-02 AJ

    Well, had no official message for Boehner this morning, but sent him a copy of my message just to keep things flowing. Here's the link.

   Oops!  Had something to send to Boehner after all!  Here's the link!

    Had to try to fix Gingrich's stupidity.
    God is looking for some ways that we can raise funds for the courier/protector program.  We're supposed to raise the funds by selling some of my manuscripts, however, we simply cannot find publishers.  People constantly write and say "Why don't you self publish?" No money!  So we are asking all of our contacts in every state to contact publishers in their states, ask them to accept some of our works, produce them, both in paper and electronic versions, selling them for us.  We're more than willing to share the profits.  We don't care if a publisher makes five million dollars and we make a million, we need the million!  We're not greedy!  Of course the more a publisher would be willing to give us, the more good we could do. However, it would be up to them.  God's usual request is 10%.  If a publisher, because of our work was willing to offer a little bit more God would honor them greatly.  We need publishers in every language.  So ask around!  Ask these people "Do you want to be eternal heroes? Do you want to be the most famous publishers in the world?  Do you want to change the world? Boy, have we got something for you!
     Speaking of publishers, I'm afraid we have a disagreement with Barnes & Nobles and Amazon.  They are still keeping up the ad for this phony book and will not put our message up discouraging people from buying it.  So I'm afraid we must ask people to boycott Barnes & Nobles and Amazon until such time as they remedy this situation.  We don't mind other people doing things but we have a right to speak out on it.  If Barnes & Nobles and Amazon won't give us that right they have become our enemies.  It's that simple.  I warn people constantly, mess with us and we will act.  We will speak out!  We will tell the world you're trash, that you have no respect of peoples' rights.  And you let criminals do whatever they want to do.  We would prefer that Barnes & Nobles would simply remove this book and not publicize it or tell the author he must arrange with us for the use of this material.  He just can't take it and call it his own.  Barnes & Nobles may feel they're the big cheese and can ignore peoples rights, but when they do that with me they've got a problem.  I like nothing better than taking on big companies that think they're above the law, or think they can stretch the law to get away with things. I fully intend to put Mastercard out of business.  If Barnes & Nobles and Amazon want to join them that's ok with me.  I love a good fight!  I love making people miserable.  So their choice.  Up to them.  But I'm asking everybody to send them a message.  Respect peoples' rights.  When they're being crapped on do something about it.  Don't support the trash.  I would much rather have their endorsement and be on good terms with them.  But if this is the way they do things I'm going to let the public know.  They can laugh now but the time will come  when they won't be laughing.  When they're passing out pink slips their employees are going to be saying "Why in the hell did you do that? Why were you so stupid?" 
    Here's the link to the next chapter of our fiction story.

    Support The Christmas Buyer's Strike!  Save America and, the world. 
    Here's the link to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
And Wishes For A Time
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621