An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

27-07-02 AJ

    Really having a hard time keeping track of things today!  We've had a lot to deal with.  First of all, noah is continuing to attack.  Here is the email we sent to his email provider.

     Here is the email that we have sent to The Ellsworth PD at their suggestion.  The PD and I are not the best of friends, but hopefully they will do their job.

    Here's the link to our latest message.

    So much going on it's hard for us to cover it!  Got one comment "You complain about people threatening you when you threaten people.  What's the difference?"  We never threaten people, we simply tell them what will happen if they continue on the course they're following. We warn people, we do not threaten them.  It's simply not our way.  We take action!  We deal with situations.  We don't threaten!  If we tell people that when their beds are being rocked at night, or being tipped over and their children dumped on the floor, if when a girl is screaming in defense of her father's butchering of children, and a bottle of perfume flies off a bureau and hits her in the head, not hard enough to do any damage, it's the spirits of the people of Libya that her father has murdered, that's not threatening anybody.  That's simply telling them why things are happening.  It's not threats at all.  We just have the ability to know what's going on and tell people about it.  Of course people don't like that.  But there's nothing we can do about it. That's our job.  
    We have to warn people, that for everything there's a price. And when you hurt innocent people for your lust and greed some of them are going to get a little upset when they're in the spiritual form and might take some action!  This is an age old thing that will never stop.   I'm sure even on other worlds this same kind of phenomena is occurring.  It has happened to every tyrant, to every family.  Why do you think Hitler committed suicide?  He couldn't take any more. He wasn't afraid of being captured.  He just couldn't take any more.  It's our duty to warn people.  It's our responsibility.  We're not saying these things have happened, we're just saying they can happen.  If they're happening to people they need to know the way out.  And that's rejecting the evil and serving God.  I'll say it again, that's our job.  
   Here's the links to some of my recent messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621