An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

30-06-02 AJ

  We get some good comments.

"You sir, Tuesday, June 28, 2011 8:16 PM
From: "Alexander " <>
Are either the finest poe in the land or in severe need of medication."

    Sadly those who should be supporting God the most are the ones that continue to abandon Him.  How they will  weep when they find they have lost everything!  

"Please remove me from your email list.
Chabad of Olympia 1611 Legion Way SE Olympia, WA 98501-1722

Please remove me from all of your mailing lists. Julie Baber
Town & Village Synagogue 334 East 14th Street New York NY 10003-4296

Hi -we receive too many emails as it is, and do not remember subscribing for this. Please remove our email from your list. Thank you!
Shabbos House Rohr Chabad 320 Fuller Road Albany NY 12203

Remove me from you e-mail list.
Synagogue Chavurat Hamashiach 914 S Latawah, Spokane Wa, 99203 "

     Yesterday I was puttering along doing the email when exactly at noon time Caylee Anthony showed up and said "Father, God says you forgot about the grandmother's diaper at the air port.  He really thinks the pat downs ought to go!"  "Yeah!" I answered.  "I'm becoming quite certain of that myself."  "Father," Caylee continued, "can I really have fifteen seconds with mother's lawyer when he dies?"  I laughed and answered "Certainly, dear! But you'll have to wait in line. You might not get the opportunity!  There's a whole bunch of other people that want to have a little talk with him, too.  But if you get a turn it's only gonna take you ten seconds.  There won't be much left."  Caylee giggled.  "Father," she asked, "could the ladies' singing really make men drown themselves?"  "They usually picked times," I answered, "when the sea was so rough that if the boats broke up they wouldn't have a chance." "Ew!" Caylee gasped.  "You know the most awful things, father!"  "Run along, dear!" I instructed.  Caylee curtsied and hurried off.  I often think I've seen far too much.  I keep saying it can't get any worse, then it does.  Really gotta do somethin' about that!  
  The singer Sammy Hagar claims he's had telepathic contact with extra terrestrials.  He oughta read "The Truth Is Here" and see if they're the same ones!  They'd better be because if it's unauthorized contact I can get very, very nasty!  I don't like people spreading false reports, either, confuses people, and we don't want that!  One lady on the same show claims she had contact with The Podo Quartee.      

    Kevin & Bean, KROQ Los Angeles always have the good stuff!  Great source of info!  God The Father always appreciates them!   
    We constantly say that the supply of ideas we have from The Afterlife is endless, and sometimes they are so totally precious that it just about brings you to tears even when you lack emotion!  Caylee came back as I was beginning work yesterday morning.  I could tell she was in one of her little "I don't know if I should say this!" moods and I asked her "What has God got for us this morning?"  "He has a message," she explained, "for the people that said they did not subscribe to the emails.  He says "Yes you did. The moment you said you were my representatives and spoke for me, you subscribed to these messages.  The fact that you reject them shows you do not worship me, but worship lust and money.  There is no righteousness in you." He wants you to tell them that."  "Well, I think we just did!" I told her.  "Now, come on!  There's something else you want to say, too.  You don't have to be hesitant.  I told you, I like your ideas.  They're often very good."  Caylee smiled.  "I like Mr. Johnson," Caylee explained, "and I really think you should do what you want.  Though he should be a little bit nicer to ladies in his new body, and should still be mother Linda's bodyguard when she goes to see Mr. Mandela.  But what about the people that rode on the buses and were murdered and beaten because they wanted to be friends with each other? Can't you have the judges say they didn't do anything wrong, too, and that the people that hurt them were the bad ones?"  "I will certainly try," I answered.  "Now, see, that's a very good idea!  What else is in that little consciousness of yours?"  
    "I was just thinking," Caylee continued, "it might be very nice if Michael Jackson's daughter, when she becomes the goddess of her world, names its cities after those people.  I think it would be a great way of honoring them!"  "Well!" I sighed "Like I say, you have some really good ideas!  Now that's one we can work on, and, I think quite appropriate. We might even arrange some land deeds for them, so that their descendants can have physical property on that world. Very good idea!  You know, don't you, that when I'm president I intend to produce commemorative quarters each year that say on the top "Freedom Riders", has a portrait of each person, then their name on the bottom. I intend to raise funds and have African American craftsmen make the dies for the coins and pay half the cost of their production, helping the budget as well as honoring these individuals."  "You have great ideas too, father!" Caylee giggled. "People should like that one!"  
    I watched her for a few moments, and then said "All right!  What is it you really want to say so much but are afraid to?" Caylee sighed.  "Please, father," she begged, "don't send the one away that I want to be my birth mother, that I want to give me a physical form with your help.  I know she doesn't understand that boys shouldn't do it with boys, but I want so much for her to be with you, and to give me a body.  She would be so much fun, take me to such wondrous places, and introduce me to such fantastic people.   I know you say the stupid stuff about that you can't forgive, which is absolute bs.  I know you can because you forgive me, and take care of me.  Please don't send her away!  Talk to her."  
    As I say sometimes I'm glad I don't have too much emotion. This child can  draw out whatever you possess.  I told her "I will do my best.  I can't promise for other people, I can't make them do things.  Everybody has to work with us because they want to, I can't make anybody.  But I will try to talk to her.  We don't have to agree on everything, but if she was your mother I could not have her telling you these things were acceptable because you know they're not. We can't let people hurt children, even if they don't understand what they're doing.  But I will do my best because I know how much you want it."  Sometimes other peoples' failure to understand the truth can hurt the innocent far more than they can understand.  These foul creatures' ability to make people feel their insanity is a civil right is really disturbing when they lead good people into destroying children, and no matter how much they deny it, when you teach children to do these things you are destroying them, just as much as if you take a gun, put it up to their heads and shoot them, you are destroying them, no matter how justified you feel what you're saying is.  It's a rough world!
   Oh!  Caylee had another little message, too.  She wanted me to remind women's groups that we intend to change American currency and put pictures of the presidents' wives on their bills with them, that we're looking for artists to come up with renditions of the portraits.  We would like them to sponsor some young women putting forth their designs.  Again, this is a project that we would like to raise funds for to take the burden off the budget, to pay part of the cost of having the currency produced.  We are looking for all kinds of ways to honor people yet save the government money, and would like the assistance of women's groups to get some of them going.  But you can see the endless flows of ideas we have from both the material world, and, The Afterlife.  I wonder what happened to the young lady that first gave me the idea about the currency?  I wish she'd come back!  I have a job for her!  
    Our friend Elgard happened across this old video about homosexuality.  He says its even truer now than when it first came out.  Sure can't argue with that!  As he says, we need more of them.

    We need the support of all anti gay groups.  If we can win over all the anti gay Democrats we could win each state by 60%, and there's plenty of anti gay Democrats, they're just not talkin', just as there's plenty of pro choice Republicans.  God will find them!  Everybody keeps asking "Who's The Tea Party's candidate?" Well as far as God is concerned, I am.  He created The Tea Party to show that we were main stream.  So he thinks I should be leading them.  Sure could use them!  And I think I share their philosophies more than anybody else.  

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621