An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

27-06-02 AJ

    Everything is coming so fast that it's hard for us, especially me, to keep track of everything.  It's explained in today's message.  God can no longer channel His power directly through me.  We're trying to save enough for the July 4th march.  Here's a link to what's going on.

    As some of you know, God wants The Pope to ordain me a cardinal and my wife a bishop on July 3rd and then God wants to  deliver the sacraments to bestow His power on the people.  God The Mother would like to join Him, and deliver the sacraments to the men, while I deliver them to the women, increasing our power.  We haven't got to mention it with all the disaster, but God wanted me to be sure to bring it up.  
    Somebody asked the ridiculous question "What right has God got to deliver the sacraments?" I'm not even going to answer anything that stupid!  But though we are having troubles, the battle continues!   We don't intend to quit!  We want to wipe that smirk off the homosexuals' faces and have them crying "We had it!  We had it!  They've taken it away!  It's not right!  It's not right!"  God will prove the more powerful, He always does!
    Here's something cute that cheered us up a little.  When we were working on our letters to the Iowa media which is included in my message for today, John Lennon came up with a cute little song for the people of Iowa encouraging them to support my presidential campaign. Linda sent the link to the lyrics out in her email  but we thought we'd better put it here too.  If people like it she'll record it.  It was a spur of the moment thing, but we think it's pretty good!  What about you?

    Here's the links to some of God's recent messages.

A Servant Of Him
Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And Forever
P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621