An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The People Of The World

21-03-02 AJ

God is making a tremendous effort to reach The Islamic People.  A link to what He has to say is at the end of this letter, though I have little hope that we would be able to accomplish the things that He is suggesting and what He has made public is making tensions between my people and His, we have to use every weapon at our disposal.  He has definitely got the creatures of Darkness scared!  They launched three simultaneous spiritual attacks against us, one here in Maine, another in Mecca, and the third in Beijing.  We have to say this was an all out effort.  But The Islamic Forces now guarding those in The United States that still stand with God were glad for the opportunity to get in some serious butt kicking!  Where the forces from The United States are filling their positions in Ther Middle East they've kind of fell out of it.  Last night's opportunity refreshed their power, which I do not think the creatures of Darkness appreciated.  They can become used to the power in an area, become resistant to it.  Us moving spiritual warriors around does not please them, it doesn't please them at all because our warriors are just as powerful anywhere!  
Everything is in so much flux!  With the current proposal that God is making it is now being deeply considered that we move our operations directly to Washington.  I don't really think this is a good idea.  I'd like to put some really strong operatives in Washington to aide our cause there, or, win back some of those that have deserted us, but I still think the best goal is to establish God's power here using The Bushes and have us go to the west coast.  If we could just tap the power source in Los Angeles directly it would make us so powerful.  For a year or so we could withstand it, and it would put the creatures of Darkness totally off balance.  Being in California we might yet recruit Arnold Schwarzenegger and his wife.  There is also two other people there we'd like to recruit if we could raise the funds.  That is the sticking point in everything, raising the funds.  Obama can waste millions trying to murder a family that is vital to God, and we do not have the resources to defend them.  
Again, God makes it known He wants The Royal Family of Saudi Arabia to evacuate their children and put them under my care. Now, He would like them to bring Gadhafi's grandchildren.  Are there any?  Wish we knew these things, to protect at least part of his bloodline.  Obama would never dare let anything happen to them in The United States.  I don't know!  I consider it a dangerous risk to take, not The Saudis, I'm sure they'd be safe, but Gadhafi's children.  I wouldn't trust The Democrats!  Some people would say that's a terrible thing to say but I always speak the truth.  These people can't be trusted, they have no sense of decency.  They'll do anything for power.  Some people might not like it, but it's the truth.  We only have to look at what they're doing now.  But still I agree with God about The Saudis.  They would be very wise to get their children away.  
    Things with Linda's apartment seem to be going well.  We're keeping our fingers crossed, even our toes!  It will be a tremendous relief for us to have her in a place where her belongings would be secure and we would have more access to work with her.  We hope to have a very happy report on this soon.  
    People keep asking will we ever be able to live together again. That can only happen if we get support and there is staff to back her up.  So when she doesn't feel good she won't be under pressure to do the work but can go and rest.  She cannot bear the burdon alone any longer.  There are so many that will get down on their knees and beg for forgiveness that they did not come when they were supposed to, and caused her to suffer so much pain in protecting them.  Of course Linda will forgive them.  She's far more generous than I am.  But after a little bit of work to make up I'll probably pardon them too.  These are very terrible times!  The creatures of Darkness have caused havoc and are still causing it.  But we're fighting back and they don't like it.  They don't like it one  little bit!  One of these days God hopes people will start to listen and will really get things rolling like we've done other times in the past and mess their plans up the way we used to.  I'm always willing!  There's nothing I like better. The more I can make them miserable the happier I am!  That's my nature. That's why I exist, to hunt and destroy evil.  Of course evil doesn't like that.  They'd much rather have me fail and have their perverted way.  But if God has His way we'll succeed big time!  So check out His message, consider His ideas.  I know The UN isn't going to like 'em, and, Obama isn't going to like 'em.  I wish The Republicans would like 'em!   If they did I know we could really get going!

Had a dream about Laura Bush kicking Hillary's butt at some political function and Hillary sayiing "You can't do that!  I have diplomatic immunity!"  Dreams are the cutest things!  Let's hope that one is symbolically true!

A Servant Of Him That Dwells
In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621