To  Representative John Boehner
From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For President

     Below is a letter that we have sent to the police chief of Los Angeles and other police chiefs around the country.  So if they begin responding you'll know what's going on.

An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The Police Chief Of Los Angeles, California
And Other Chiefs Around The Country Who God Would Like To Copy This Effort

19-11-02 AJ

Most Sincere And Profound Greetings!

    Let me get right down to why God has asked me to write to you.  Yesterday He recorded a video for John Boehner, Republican Leader Of The House, in which He proposed legislation banning the use of pepper spray on demonstrators peacefully practicing their right to protest. I would like very much if you would review this video and pass it around to the officers that serve with you. Here's the link.

     For God would like you to do something for Him.  He would like you to make up a petition saying

"To John Boehner, Republican Leader Of The House Of Representatives, Washington, DC,
A Petition From American Citizens On Behalf Of American Citizens

   We, the undersigned, representatives of the law enforcement community in Los Angeles, California, have become aware that God The Father, through His servant Speaker Gerald Polley, who He wants to be president of The United States, has asked you to put forth legislation banning the use of pepper spray on people peacefully protesting against the current administration's policies.  As members of the law enforcement community we ask you to put forth such legislation.  We do not want irresponsible police officers degrading us to the American public by behaving with brutality against American citizens that are practicing their rights. We think it is inappropriate for pepper spray to be used in any circumstance other than defending an officer from direct attack.  It should not be used on any party that is behaving in a non violent manner to express their rights.  We do not want to go back and be like Mayor Daley's Gestapo of the '60s that abused and murdered innocent people because they opposed the current administration of that time.  We do not want to see such ignorance in The United States again.  We ask you to stand against it, to have The Republican Party stand against it.  For if The Democrats oppose you on this issue and reject such a legislation, they will show that they want to use us for purposes we do not want to be used. 
   As this legislation is proposed by God's servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, he should be given credit for bringing the idea to your attention and asking you to put it forth so the world will know he is a defender of the innocent.

Yours Most Respectfully
The Law Enforcement Personnel
Of Los Angeles, California"

   This is what God would like you to do. He would like you to fax the first page of this petition to Boehner as soon as possible, with your signature, and then, when you have gathered as many signatures as possible, ship the rest to him. 
    God is asking every police department across the country to show the American people they do not want to be the instruments of corporate greed, those who wish to control the country because they think they are the special elite that the people should obey.  If the police departments of The United States come forward and say "We will not abuse the American people for what is now residing in The White house who wants to take away our rights as well as everybody else's," it will send such a message to The White House that will be heard loudly, and without question!  If the police departments of America support the peoples' rights and condemn abuse it's going to cripple Obama's efforts to silence the people.  That is why God is making this request directly to as many police chiefs as we can reach. 
    He also asks those police chiefs to contact the sheriff's departments in their area, have them prepare petitions also, and do the same thing. Fax the first page to Boehner, and then when they have got more signatures ship the finished petitions. 
    God is also calling for a Christmas Buyer's Strike, for people to refuse to buy Christmas presents, and if people absolutely have to buy Christmas presents buy them from small, local stores and not the big chains like Wal Mart, Target and Sears.  God wants the stores empty on the day after Thanksgiving.  He would appreciate it very much if you would request of the officers of your police department that they join the strike. 
    God would also appreciate it if you would have the first page of your petition published in the local newspaper. 
    This concludes His wishes on this subject, but where I am writing to you He wishes me to mention another of our projects.  He very much wants us to move to Los Angeles.  There are many difficulties in doing this.  The first problem being finances.  Because of things that have happened to us in the last couple of years we are rather desperate.  God wants me to fund my presidential campaign in a totally different way.  Though He will take some donations, He wants us to gather no interest loans, asking each person that believes in Him to loan us one dollar, at least, for ten years.   At the end of that ten years those loans will be returned to the people by being donated to local charities in the areas where they were collected. 
   God would like you to gather loans from your officers to be used for the precise purpose of bringing us to Los Angeles and taking care of us while we live there.  In ten years those loans would be returned by being donated to relief funds for the police department.  God would especially like the police department of Los Angeles to be the ones to help bring us there.  He desires to make His earthly residence in the Mormon temple in Hollywood for the period of time that we will be in Los Angeles.  If there's any possibility that your officers would put forth such loans, they would be praised for eternity! 
    Dark powers are devouring the world. God's heroes, those who stand between the servants of Darkness and those they would abuse, are very important to Him.  He hates to see any ill at all spoken of them.  And that  they are being used by Obama to try to stop the protests against his slavery, greatly troubles him.  He desires very much to have those that defend the public say "No!  Enough!  We're not going to hurt people because they're speaking for their rights!  We're not going to defend this tyrant!  We'll support those fighting him!" 
    I will conclude by asking another little favor.  If we can get to Los Angeles as part of my presidential campaign I would like to take part in a major drug bust, and then be personally responsible for destroying millions of dollars of illegal drugs.  I want to send a message to the drug lords in Mexico.  "I'm your enemy.  I'm going to do all in my power to stop you, especially destroy the poison that you are sending across the border, and keeping you from profiting from it.  I'm going to be your worst nightmare when I'm president!  I have no fear of you, you do not worry me, you do not impress me.  I will crush you.  I will have no mercy, no compassion, no pity.  I will crush you!"
   I would really appreciate you helping me send that message, both to the drug lords, and, the American people that need to know there's going to be somebody in The White House that isn't interested in sodomizing their sons, but is interested in stopping the poison that is destroying them. 
    I thank you for your time.  And I sincerely hope you can fulfill God's wishes, especially His petition to Boehner. God wants the American police to speak out and say "No more!  We're not going back to the '60s!  That is not coming back again!  We won't let it happen!"  I certainly hope you will answer God positively, and be one of His heroes.
    God is celebrating His victory over The Crystal Cathedral.  Years ago the foul leader of this society said he would not serve God, that he would stop us, that he would never allow us to come to California.  Well, he's not in a position now, where he can stop us.  And better yet, The Catholics have taken on a tremendous financial burden which they can't really afford, buying his cathedral. It's a double victory!  God could be celebrating even more if you send the petitions. 

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever
And Wishes To Dwell
In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621