An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

28-11-02 AJ

    Got some complaints we had to deal with. Our letter to Boehner today was actually a letter to Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan. Here's the link.

     Got complaints I'm afraid to send the criticism I'm giving to the people it's about. Had to take care of that!  Here's the link to my message.

    Again I've been asked "Have I always been anti social?" Anti social? I've always been social, I've always been involved in the community.  Of course some people in the community didn't appreciate it because I wouldn't let them get away with the things they were trying to get away with. I suppose it depends who you talk to. My friends would tell you I'm one of the most sociable people they ever ran into, kind, considerate and helpful.  My enemies will tell you I'm the worst piece of garbage that ever walked the earth, especially if they desire things men shouldn't desire.  My mother asked again and again "Why are these people attracted to you?" And I would answer "I wish I knew and I'd stop doing it!"  A minister I was fighting once told me "You're such a great person, they want you to share that greatness with them."  He was a real idiot!  The world was greatly relieved when he died of a heart attack at his girlfriend's house. She would never admit what they were doing at the time, but everybody knew!  You often wonder why the wives put up with it.  But I don't think I'm anti social. I think I'm very social.  I just don't take part in crap.  I don't support evil, but I get along very well with good people, though they're gettin' very hard to find.
    We're bound to be asked "Why write to a supreme court justice that supports Obama?" Simple!  If we can get her to answer God's call and allow Him to be heard, can you imagine what a triumph that will be for God The Father, what a victory that would be?
    Here's the link to the latest part of the story.

   Support The Christmas Buyer's Strike!  Save America, and, the world.  Let's have Obama crying in The White House.
   Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All,
And Wishes For A Time,
To Dwell In The Holiest Of Los Angeles

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605

(207) 812-1621