An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
God's Candidate For The Presidency Of The United States In 2,012
To The World

25-11-02 AJ

    Boy, I don't know where to begin!  We hadn't intended an email for Thanksgiving Day, and then God heard the French were trying to get The Arab Nations to let them attack Syria in defense of the rebels.  We had to send a message!  Here's the link!

  Of course we sent it to Boehner as well.  The day before we sent this to Boehner.  Here's the link.

    And then we prepared my little message.  Here's the link to that.

    Here's the latest part of the story.  Everybody's crying "More!  More!" We're doing our best!

    Now, some people say that some of the things we say about homosexuality are merely for shock value.  That we wouldn't possibly do some of the things we say.  Sorry!  That is completely false!  Everything we say is exactly what we would do.  We show no mercy, no compassion, we say just exactly what we intend.  I do not believe in open homosexuality!  I do not believe homosexuals have any right to insult other people.  If they keep it to themselves that's perfectly all right.  But the moment they bother others, the moment they declare they think someone else is insane like them, that person has a right to be upset.  That's it!  There is no excuse for homosexuality.  And if the person cannot control it then the person insulted has every right to respond.  Whatever happens is the homosexual's fault, that's it!  The rights of decent people will be protected. Those who have no respect for others and try to claim that they're deranged will be treated accordingly.  So the best advice I can give to homosexuals is keep it to yourself.  They will say "If I can't ask, how can I know?"  They don't need to know, that simple!  If a man says clearly and distinctly "I'm not interested in that!"  you don't ask, that's it!  You never say a person is lying to hide his true feelings, you don't ask.  No matter how much you want to, you don't, it's forbidden!  If you do you pay the consequences. 
    Support The Christmas Buyer's Strike!  Save America and the world!  There's still time!
   Here's the links to some of my previous messages.

A Servant Of Him
That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
But Wishes To Dwell In
The Holiest Of Los Angeles For A Time

P.O. Box 392
Ellsworth, ME 04605
(207) 812-1621