An Open Letter From God The Father
To John Boehner
Republican Leader Of The House Of Representatives
And All Republicans In the House And Senate

07-09-02 AJ

Greetings John!

    You remind me very much of another John I used to speak to many years ago.  Your characters are quite similar.  I would like to have as much success with you as I had with him.  In today's message my servant expresses his thanks to the Nevada Republican Party for exposing the corruption of Rep. Shelley Berkley.  That people close their eyes and ignore such evil in the name of benefiting themselves really appalls us!  That people say "Well, it doesn't matter to me, all I care about is the money she's bringing in to my state from federal taxes that are helping us get by.  That she's making a little on the side doesn't matter.  That peoples' lives are being endangered is unimportant."  How sad these people will be when they stand before The Steward Of Heaven and are pronounced unworthy! 
   Have also had my servant send a message to Rick Perry of Texas, expressing an idea that we have had pertaining to coal emissions.  I'd like you to share this message with the representatives and senators of other states that have coal fired power plants.  I want someone to explain to me why this would not work.  Here's the link to this message.

    Now, again I ask you not to take part in the absurdity that is Obama's upcoming speech.  I ask you to refuse to attend, and ask all other Republicans not to attend.  The only ones I want in the senate chamber are Democrats.  They are more than willing to listen to Obama's lies, they should show the world what they are.  But The Republicans should not.  They should say "Enough!  We're tired of being insulted, we're tired of being degraded, we're tired of being lied about.  It's The Democrats that are obstructing legislation, it is them that will not let the nation be governed, not The Republicans!  We're  not going to sit through an hour of ridicule and betrayal." 
   The only way to create jobs in The United States is to get rid of Obama's health care legislation, and dispense with the regulations that are crippling small business, which has been put forth by The Democrats to aid the unions that do not want businesses that they can't control.
    People laugh at the power I offer you. It is no laughing matter.  You are in a key position to serve me.  You can save my children.  When someone is in such a position it is only fair to offer them a reward, to give them glorification.  I glorified that other John long ago because he saw what needed to be done and did it.  I'm still capable of glorifying. Some people say I'm finished, my age is over.  Nobody will follow me any more.  Not as long as my servant's around!  There'll still be plenty that will follow me.  I still remember that day 500,000 years ago, when this strange winged being, obviously very wise, approached me and asked if his people might have shelter on my world.  The others that had come with him totally ignored me.  They acted as if my world was theirs.  But this being showed me total respect and acknowledged that I was the Ruler of this world.  That respect has never faded, that honor has never ended.  I now cherish that one as much as I cherish any of my true sons. 
     I believe you would be tremendous allies, that your goals are quite similar.  I always ask my true sons to support my adopted ones, because it is for their glorification.  What I offer you is not a joke, it is absolute truth.  It is something you will earn if you stand with us.  I'm a stubborn old God!  I believe in my children.  I believe they will listen to the wisdom of the wise, to those that are a little older than them.  I believe that if you stand with me you will become an immortal soul and take your people to the stars.  You're very close already.  But understanding what must be done in these circumstances will gain you that little bit of power that will make you immortal.  This is not something I can give you, this is something you must find within yourself.  And I am sure you will bring immortality to many of those around you  Always happens!  We get one, we usually get a dozen with them.  Those souls on the edge of immortality seem to gather around each other, and around the strongest among them. 
    But right now the most important thing, the most vital thing is to stand against Obama!  Join my servant in The Christmas Buyer's Strike.  Have your family reach out to all their friends and ask them to join.  Some say this will hurt too much.  It has to hurt.  Those people that will follow evil if they think it will profit them must be shown that it isn't going to profit them, that it's going to cost them, that it's far better to follow the good. 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

   You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and