We had the extreme pleasure of God The Father working with us from June 14, 2,007 to September 26, 2,007. During that time God made a special request that we list the miracles of John Lennon to try to make the world understand the incredible feats that John has accomplished. We will do our best! But we have a vast amount of material to search through. If we miss anything that you feel should be included do send us an email and if we agree we will add it to this list.
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Of course the first and most important miracle that John accomplished was after the betrayal of Jesus for Clinton in 1998 when Jesus resigned and for a time left the Earth John Lennon left his self imposed isolation and began working as an assistant director of The Angelic Choir. In short order he literally rallied the devastated Forces Of Heaven and got them back to work. It is unquestioned that without his leadership Heaven would've crumbled. He was the glue that held It together. This effort can be called nothing but miraculous!

The next miracle accredited to John is that he sought out Speakers Gerald & Linda Polley, who, at the time, were the only true voices on earth speaking for The Kingdom Of God, and opposing the evil that was destroying the world. He established the relationship that is still functioning, and gave him a voice in the material world that enabled him to do all that he accomplished later. That he was able to send so much power to The Polleys and keep their Work going when it was at the point of collapse is another miracle that is associated solely with John. The first major work of this relationship was when John sent through the song
"Do Come Abide With Us Again," his tribute to Mary when she left the Earth.

The next major miracle that John accomplished was when he wrote the song"Listen To The Angels," that developed international recognition and was recorded on a CD "Kevin & Bean's Last Christmas" in cooperation with Moby that sold thousands of copies for charity! It began the flow of energy into The Kingdom Of God from the Los Angeles area that has sustained The Kingdom Of God from that day forth and slowly rebuilt Its power. Radio interviews began around the world.

The next major miracle came in June, 2,000 when The Apostle Paul resigned and Lord Peter appointed John Lennon as a temporary replacement in the position of Apostle Of Religious Assignments. John took over the position with a fury and was soon making appointments at an astonishing rate! At first he was resisted, but soon the quality of his work was recognized. It was as if he had always worked in the position and rapidly all complaints disappeared.

The next major miracle attributed to John is the Republican victory in the 2,000 election, which drew so much attention when it was going on that Barney Snow a producer and director from London, England came to The United States and produced a documentary of the occasion called "Where Has Eternity Gone?" It showed the horrendous effort that The Kingdom Of God put forth with John's leadership, and that but for that effort the Democrats with their dirty tricks would've stolen the election. It is unquestioned that this effort won back Jesus because He agreed to return to Earth and help in the struggle but He would not retake His Throne until Hillary Clinton was out of office. This is a miracle contributed entirely to John. It is unquestioned that The Kingdom Of God would've failed without his tireless efforts. From that moment on it was unquestioned that he would have a high position among Heaven's Leadership.

The next major miracle that was attributed to John is when he broke the gender barrier in The Kingdom Of God in January, 2,001 by appointing the first female Pope, and then began appointing other women to high positions. Resistance at first, was fierce, but John overwhelmed it, and soon the acceptance of women in high positions was unquestioned. Only John's determined will made the transition so smooth no one else could've accomplished this without a long, terrible struggle! The feat is considered miraculous!

John's next miracle is considered his first speech as Apostle Designate. No one was expecting what they got! And it simply overwhelmed all of his opposition and assured his eventual elevation to full Apostle. Resistance continued for some time. But John's public acceptance was so great that it was futile!
John's next miracle came in February, 2,001, when he convinced Al Jolson to replace him as Assistant Director Of The Angelic Choir. This proved to be such a critical appointment that Everyone believes that if John had not succeeded The Kingdom Of God's entire efforts would've failed! Again it was something that solidified his support, caused the people to recognize his incredible abililty to pick the right people for important positions.
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