An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World
And Especially The wife And Children Of Barack Obama
And The Islamic Leaders Of The World

24-03-02 AJ

    I wish I had the power to do something.  I would like to stand you on the steps of The White House and  have the Islamic leaders there, members of the press, and others to bear witness to me.  Then I would like to lay the shattered body of a nine month old little girl at your feet and tell you "This is why your soul is destroyed, why the only thing that awaits you is eternal death.  This is what the foul creature that you live with has done many times over, so he can sodomize the children of America.   This is what has destroyed your soul forever because you know this is wrong.  Because you know he is killing these children to put Al Quaida in power in Libya so that eventually he will have to send American troops to destroy them, troops that would be led by homosexual officers that will be sodomizing their own soldiers and any young boys they can get ahold of in Libya.  No matter how much you want to think this won't happen, that it will just be consenting adults you know the truth as well as I.  You know what these people will do when they get in power.  You know what they have done in past ages.  This is why you are separated from me forever.  But it is not the full reason.  Though this child's body has been destroyed, and her mission for me delayed, if the human race survives she will exist forever.  Man can destroy  the flesh of my servants, but he cannot harm their souls.  They will come back to serve me again.  This is the true reason why you are lost to me forever." 
    I would wave my hand and the tortured and twisted souls of the American service men and women who fired these cruise missiles would appear.  And I would tell all present "This is why you will be destroyed forever if you do not listen to my servant.  These young people should have refused the order to fire those weapons, even if it meant they would be court martialed and sent to prison.  They should not have obeyed this dictator and fired these weapons and killed the innocent so he could enslave the world.  They knew it was wrong, they knew he is not even legally their president.  They know he is forcing them to take part in sin.  But they fired the weapons, and they destroyed their souls.  Perhaps if we can stop Obama, if we can end his tyranny, they can be retrieved.  The damage to their souls may be repaired and they may yet have eternal life. 
    If The Arab Nations rise up and defend Libya if they ask the aid of China and the other nations I have called and turn against this creature of Darkness, these souls could be saved, and thereby, your souls.  It is a simple matter.  Those that willingly destroy the souls of their young people, who tell them to do evil, who tell them to destroy the innocent, so their leader may be empowered, will perish and those that instructed them will perish with them.  This is a truth my servant has taught before he ever came to this world, a truth that his people knew before the human race existed. 
    I will give you good advice.  I cannot command you any more, because you are separate from me forever and can never return.  But if you were a truly wise woman you would go to my servant, bow down before him, and ask him to take charge of your body, your mind, and your soul, and to give unto you eternal life.  Then I would serve him faithfully revealing all the secrets that you are a party to.  That you have hidden to protect this foul creature that leads you.  I offer you eternal life.  Though you have separated yourself from me and I can no longer give it to you, I offer you someone who can. 
    That is the best I can do.  For you are responsible for what lies at your feet.  And even though your daughters are not mine the pain of this within them is so great that it may destroy their eternity as well.  You must choose.  I have given you free will.  I cannot choose for you.  But the world will know for eternity that if this world dies the greatest blame will be yours.  Because you could've stopped it so easily.  You could bring down this house of shame.  And if you do not the mothers of Earth will curse you as they watch their children starve to death.  We must always give the truth and though this is a sad truth it is the truth.  And I leave you with it."
    This is what I would like to do.  And perhaps in another form, it is what I have done.  But all serving Obama must understand because of these shattered bodies in Libya they are separated from me, forever.  Only another can give them eternal life and they  should, for the sake of all the world, present themselves to him and ask them to undo their evil.  I give him the power to save these children and take them away, and give them eternity. 
    Now, Michael Jackson has written a song for Gadhafi.  He's not pleased with it, he doesn't think it's very good. But everybody's been begging him for something.  And everybody else is just too drained.  Michael would like very much for my servant to sing this song on "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!"  Again he wishes to repeat the glory that John Lennon did with "Whacko The Clown".  There are so many things that we would like to do!

    Oh, speaking of John, he wanted me to remind the Mormon Church in Los Angeles that he would like to make their temple his earthly residence so we could have a power source anchored on each coast of The United States.  Though their courier/protector has lost her place as the leader of the sisterhood, she is still needed.  So having John installed in their temple in Los Angeles would be of tremendous benefit to us. 
    Now, for a more pleasant announcement I am very pleased with the reporters at Fox and CNN.  It is obvious though they are not acknowledging my messages, someone is reading them and fulfilling many of my wishes!  Their exposure of those rising against Gadhafi as Al Quaida has been extremely beneficial, and proven what I have been saying, and even some of what Gadhafi has been saying because it is well known that Al Quaida operatives often use narcotics and hallucinogens when they go into battle to give themselves false courage and shield them against pain.  People laughed when Gadhafi made these statements and ridiculed him.  I think that ridicule has become numb and those doing it exposed for their ignorance. 
    Obama says Gadhafi must go.  But I think it's Obama that must go, and, quickly! 

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621, and