An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World

07-06-02 AJ

   Now, we want to boast a little bit this morning.  My servant says he's not a prophet.  There's a lot of people that severely question that statement though he is known for his honesty.  His foresight sometimes borders on the miraculous.  Some years ago an associate of his that he contacted spiritually was coming up with a character for a comic book called "Green Lantern".  My servant was giving him many ideas for the character.  An incantation was needed for when the character recharged his magical ring that gave him phenomenal powers.  My servant had his friend use a version of one of his People's most powerful incantations.  His plan was that in the future they would be making talking movies of these stories and each time Green Lantern spoke this incantation it would be close enough to his People's that it would trigger a subconscious response that would send power to them in The Afterlife, and have the people prepare to take part in The Awakening.  Of course everybody knows Green Lantern's incantation but to show you the similarity I will give you the one used by my servant's People.  "In bright of day, in dark of night, let those who worship Godden might beware the power of Morning Star's Light!"  You can see the similarity in the incantations, and how it would trigger a subconscious response in those who have been programmed to receive it.  My servant's foresight, as I say, borders on the miraculous!  Having this incantation spread at this time may well give us the power to defeat the creatures of Darkness!  You can understand why they are desperate to stop this movie.  But the only reason I am making people aware of it now is that there's no way they can.  In a very short time children all over the world will be repeating this incantation day and night, watching this movie and learning its valuable lessons over and over again, no matter how much some will try to keep it from them it will reach them.  This incantation will be uttered in hundreds of languages.  The foresight of my servant's People is great! I'm glad They're on my side and that I'm not the god they were referring to.  He didn't do too well.  In the end my servant sent him to oblivion.  No matter how powerful they are in the end there's somebody more powerful.  Light always overcomes the Darkness, may take it a while sometimes, but It always does, especially when there's people like my servant around.  
    That done, we have spoken of The Ashtarians.  Their commander in the blockade of Earth has asked to send a message perhaps as important as the one now going out with the "Green Lantern" movie.  Here is what he has to say.  

    "Kabosh egret solar. Now that I have greeted you in our own tongue I will speak in the native language so they can understand clearly the instructions that I am giving you.  The High Father Of This World, the Creator of its life has asked his servant, Speaker Gerald Polley, The Great Destroyer, the crusher of all that is evil, to seek the presidency of The United States.  I declare to you now that he is the Doma of this world, recognized by The Elders of all the high families who have sworn obedience and devotion to him.  I, in their name, send a message to all Ashtarian agents still operating on Earth believing that our invasion is coming.  We have been defeated.  We barely have enough ships now to defend our own home world.  We cannot invade others.  We are not coming.  You are now to surrender yourself to the Doma of this world, to the Doma Of Solar.  You are to cease all operations against him, against his people.  And you are to begin cooperating with him in all matters, supporting in all ways his programs.  Because if our interference destroys the children of Solar, if that world withers and dies, our world will wither and die as well until it is a barren wasteland that will be colonized by others.  Because of what we have done our fate and the fate of the children of Solar are intertwined. If you destroy them you destroy us.  There is no hope.  The only chance we have now is cooperation with The Great Destroyer, to keep his wrath from us.  We have had but a taste of his power, and that has nearly destroyed us.  We want no more!  So stand down and stand with him.  Give yourselves in obedience to him for the sake of all of those among your kin that will come after you.  You will fail. You will be hunted down, and you will be destroyed, but if you cooperate you will be taken to the stars, and through you the glory of Ashtar will continue. And maybe some day in the distant future, the children of Solar and the children of Ashtar will greet and be friends.  But if you do not listen both races will perish.  They will be no more.  All who had the codes have been destroyed.  So we have only this old code to verify this message.  ...21..20---6--7...26..8-- But I will put this on the end of it.  0---1...2 Receive and obey.
     I will inform you without question that Speaker Linda Polley, The Great Destroyer's wife, is the Doma Shy of Solar and she'll be obeyed exactly as her husband.  Any that disobey her suffer the same fate as if they disobey her husband.  We are asking her to record this message and put it up so it can be spread near and far."

    That is the end of the Ashtarian's message.  I wish every newspaper in the world would publish it and translate it into their own languages.  I asked Sarah to record it and put it up.  It is important!   Here's the link to the video of this message both at You Tube and our own site.

    I'm glad to announce that Linda got the art gallery functioning again!  It is my goal to sell a lot of my servant's art to fund his work.  I would like to get nations like China to purchase some of it and put it on their postage stamps. This would help distribute our power throughout their country and help with the Work.  If we can get China's cooperation we want them to build the space ships that will take the first of my servant's people to their new worlds and begin rewarding their human allies.  I have explained what would happen if we don't get this cooperation, and I'm really not asking that much, things that eventually China will have to do anyway.  But the extra incentive of the rewards they will get are well worth the price.   Here's the link.

    Alice sent some interesting questions.

    While watching the Ghost hunting TV shows like "Ghost Adventures" etc.
    Why is it that criminals that were in prisons who died there end up as ghosts and hang around the old condemned prison yet ? I would think that their spirit would move on and not want stay in a terrible place where they were locked up. Why don't they just walk through a wall and leave the prison? I am not talking residual haunting, I am talking intelligent spirit haunting.
    This question also applies to.... Why are there so many ghosts in mental institutions, hospitals and old factories and work houses etc.?  Why doesn't some spirit guide come and take these people's spirits to Heaven after they die instead of making them Earthbound ghosts ? Why would any spirit want to haunt these terrible old condemned places that they hated to be in in life ? And what about suicides ?
    Why are there little ghost children that lived in the 1800's hanging around their old homes when they never even died as a child but lived a full life and died as an old man ? Why are there always religious Monk ghosts walking the grounds of old churches? of all people why don't they go to Heaven which they preached about their whole lifetime? All this ghost stuff makes me think that there is no place to go after we die, and we end up staying in the same place on Earth as where our bodies died in some cases.
    It is scary for me to think about this.


    Dear one, first of all you must understand that troubled souls such as you are describing fear to go on to The Afterlife because they believe the things they have done in the material world will cause them to be destroyed forever.  So they hide in the places that were most familiar to them in the Darkness that is generated by those places.  It's very simple, really.  Though many times they are approached and offered to be taken to The Afterlife, they are too terrified to accept those offers.  That is why they are bound to these places.  And any religious person that is bound to a religious place is there because they did not really follow the principles that should've been observed in that place.  In reality they were filled with hate, lust and greed that now binds them to those places.  As to why people appear as children when they lived to be an old age, they are tied to this place by a traumatic experience, something so horrifying to them that they live it over and over again.  Though they might have lived to an old age if this incident happened when they were a child as they relive it and the living sense it, they appear as children.  Because that's what they were when they suffered this experience.  Some people call hauntings the Darkness in the material world, where those who will not go into The Afterlife suffer their experiences.  In other words it's hell on Earth.  Some though, are quite innocent.  Sometimes the actual spirit has moved on long ago.  But the residual energy that they put in that place continues to broadcast their experiences. And everyone that experiences them fortifies them and keeps the so called haunting alive.  But these are the reasons dear one, these things occur, because the individuals causing them fear and that fear keeps them where they are.  My servant does his best to help these individuals and get them to move on.  But he cannot remove the energy they have already put there.  
    Well, that's it for today!  We just have to show off once and a while, show the superiority of our knowledge and show my servant's power.  There are those that say they do not fear him.  I can only call such individuals fools!  Those who do not fear such power, such skill, are among the most ignorant of all. Of course the good do not fear him.  They do not have to!   He is their protector from all that is evil.  But those who are filled with hate, lust, and greed better know that the protector of the good is there.  And I wish to make him president of The United States because I think he's just what The United States needs.  

Him That Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever
  You can contact my servant, Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and