An Open Letter From God The Father
To The World

04-04-02 AJ

    I have been asked by The People Of Islam to do something dramatic to show my displeasure with the burning of The Koran, to show the world without question, that this is not to be allowed.  So I have personally taken this action.  I have not had any of my servants do it, I have done it myself, using my own power and glory.  I have gone to Florida and personally destroyed the soul of this so called minister that is using the condemnation of Islam to try to gain world power.  He is now the walking dead, mind and body, but no soul.  When he passes from physical existence he will cease to exist forever, instantaneously.  He will not even be able to ask for judgment, he has already  been judged and found completely unacceptable for my Kingdom.  I have also damaged the souls of all that support him so they, too, unless they repent and walk away from this creature of Darkness, and become my servant's supporters in Florida, they, too, the moment they die will cease to exist forever, every man, woman, and child in this congregation.  For by following such evil they have separated themselves from me.  They can no longer abide with me, but if they will ask my servant for eternal life, and serve him, I will give him the power to restore their souls and they can have eternity with his People.  I am a merciful God, and we need their souls if the human race is to survive.  but I cannot have those among my people that follow such ignorance.  I hope this will satisfy The Islamic People, that I have punished those that have disgraced their Prophet, the leader, forever.  I hope they will accept the mercy I am offering to his followers if they return to The Light.  I ask them not to engage in any more violence against Christians, but in the future to petition me through my servant and I will punish any that defile their faith.  They simply have to point them out to me and I will deal with them.
    I have been asked how can I accept a people that reject creation and break my laws.  Well, someone will have to tell me what laws they break, for they break none of my commandments.  It is said that you will honor The Lord Thy God with all thy heart and all thy soul, and that you will put no other God before Him.  How can a people that have no God put another god before me?  They have no other gods, not lust, not greed.  They put nothing before me and they serve me with complete devotion, better than my own.  Perhaps it is why my own are so jealous of them.  But if anyone can point out one of my laws that they break I will certainly ask them to correct it.  And they undoubtedly would.  They so respect me that they feel it is inappropriate to speak to me directly, and pray to their mothers and fathers instead, and ask them to petition me in their favor,  so to be sure that the right things are asked for; justice, rather than vengeance, stability rather than wealth. The way they fulfill my laws are marvelous to me and I wish so my own would fulfill them as well.
    I am asked again why I will show no respect to The Pope.  It is simple.  We have three witnesses that have put it into The Book Of Life that he condemned those revealing that priests sodomized them, and said they should be put out of the church.  That he said those having sex with priests should've considered it a blessing, that they were fulfilling the priests' needs and supporting the church.  He sold young boys to his priests to keep them in the church and he hid what they were doing.  He lied to others and told them that he was standing against this evil, when in reality he was doing all in his power to protect the priests.  I simply cannot accept this!  Such a man will never dwell in my Kingdom.  If he will repent and serve my servant, and help save my children, if he will reform Catholicism to cut down on this evil so priests will not be driven into this filth because they cannot live normal lives, I will give him glorification and a place in the stars.  But as long as he continues to lie I will rebuke him and the church.  This has gone on too long, and it must be remedied.  I wish him to make my servant a cardinal with the authority to remove all homosexual teachings from the church, and any priests that promote homosexuality, and the other reforms that I have insisted upon.
    We will not lie to people.  We will not conceal why we are against people.  We will tell the world plainly what is going on and why we are fighting every battle.  This corruption must be removed from the world and we will remove it!
    I have already destroyed The Pope's soul and given him over to my servant. I am done with him, I am done with his church.  I will return power to individual members that return to me and forsake it, but not to the church until I have my reforms.
    As far as I am concerned my servant is now the head of The Catholic Church and the absolute authority on any question of doctrine.  I do not recognize The Pope or the hierarchy of the church.  I remove from them all power.  And that is my absolute word.
    My servant's talents are many.  I love his art work!  I wish he would work on it more.  I ask him to do at least one piece a day because I think it would be very valuable in raising funds.  But lately he hasn't been able to do anything.  Many that work with him feel bad that they overshadow his own talents.  John Lennon, Kurt Cobain, and, Michael Jackson greatly admire some of his early works that he did by himself.  Here's the link to "The Morning Dove," a song he wrote some time ago.  It expresses the Haven's feelings on love, how they look at love.  I think it is a very poignant song.  Michael would like to add it to the album that he wants to do for The United Arab Emirates.

    My servant doesn't mind at all. He loves working with his friends and the beautiful things that they create.  But it amazes me that the member of a race that did not believe in fiction, that believed every story had to be based on historical fact can produce such marvelous and whimsical works, combining so many different ideas.
    The talents of those that work for me are endless, and should be recognized and not overshadowed by me or anyone else they joyously let work through them.
    Speaking of abominations the butcher of Libya, Obama, has declared he will run for reelection.  I ask the people of The United States to rise up against him, to support my servant's campaign.  I want to wipe the rest of The Democrats from office and put in people that will support my candidate, Speaker Gerald Polley.  I want to expose every bit of evil that this foul creature is doing so that my servant will win the election and show the world what a truly honest man can do, show the world how a country should be led.  We can do it!  Everybody says it's impossible, but we can.  If we can gather the courier/protectors we can not only save the human race, but glorify it, so that some day it will become part of the greater community that dwells within the stars.
    I will remind the people of two of the things that my servant will strive for; ending our association with The UN, saving The American People billions of dollars, and, ending our relationship with NATO, that is assisting Obama in the butchery of the innocent.  As I have said, we will hide nothing.  We will tell the world plainly our intentions, what we will strive for.  And, he will end the draft forever, so no future president will be able able to draft young men into a homosexual army to be sodomized by its officers.
    Again I ask my people to join in The 4th Of July Boycott, and to take part in my demonstration in San Francisco, which I desire to lead using my servant's physical form.  I ask all the world to join me.  Stand against this butcher of babies, who allows people to be shot in the street in one country while he bombs women and children in another.  It must end!

He Who Dwells In
The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

You can contact my servant Speaker Gerald Polley at P.O. Box 392, Ellsworth, ME 04605, (207) 812-1621 and